
WidsMob HDR Multilingual

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WidsMob HDR是一款十分技术专业也十分功能强大的照片HDR处理软件,可将一组3张包围着的图像合拼为HDR照片,比如全自动两端对齐,有叠影抑止,效果预置等。为了更好地得到五颜六色hdr文件,您只需将一系列不一样的曝出图像导进WidsMob就可以,这款阳光照射渲染软件适用一次性加上三张图像,将这种图像合拼为HDR照片,应用十分方便快捷。

Windows x64 | File size: 37 MB

WidsMob HDR has advanced tone mapping algorithm that combine a set of 3 different bracketed photos into HDR with advanced tone mapping algorithm. WidsMob HDR Pprovides the optimal HDR results to enhance the photos as eye view. It also provides the live preview with full resolution of the HDR photographs.

Advanced HDR Algorithm Technology

HDR Alignment
With advanced Alignment technology, it is easy to create a sharp HDR photo by combining 3 different bracketed photos and letting coordinates of every pixel aligned perfectly.

Ghost Reduction
Ghost reduction technology can intelligently reduce the ghost-like effect caused by moving objects to make final merged HDR photo output in high quality.

Tone Mapping
Tone Mapping is the technology used to convert a 32-bit floating pointing format which cannot been displayed/printed on current monitors/printers to 8-bit images for display or print.

Advanced Tone Mapping Algorithm
Combine a set of 3 different bracketed photos into HDR with advanced tone mapping algorithm. WidsMob HDR provides the optimal HDR results to enhance the photos as eye view. It also provides the live preview with full resolution of the HDR photographs.

Customize HDR Photos Parameters
Customize HDR photos by tone mapping parameters, such as tone length and tone saturation. Color management is also supported for brightness, saturation and contrast. It is easy to adjust the parameters to find the best high dynamic range results.

Support RAW and JPEG
Support both JPEG and RAW formats taken by most types of DSLR cameras or smartphones. Instant preview the high quality HDR photos and Retina display support. Save files to JPEG, PNG and TIFF files in high quality without extra changes.

Auto Align & Ghost Suppression
Automatically Align images for handhold photos, which might have some aberration. Ghost suppression to create HDR images moving objects, such as cars, clouds, people and more. It always turns the optimal result with the superior algorithm.

Built-in HDR Effects Presets
WidsMob HDR also provides some default presets or effect to enhance the HDR effects. It provides the black and white HDR effects as well as the artist HDR effects. For more presets or effects of WidsMob HDR, just keep tuned about the program for free update.

Whats New
Updates: official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.


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