
Dato 3.3.0 Mac

MacOSX dsgsd 162浏览 0评论

一款可以替代系统菜单栏时钟的时间应用。在系统菜单栏单击Dato Mac版时,您会得到一个小日历、不同时区的当前时间(即使使用自定义名称)、星期等等。您可以自定义要在菜单和菜单栏中显示什么。

File size: 12.52 MB

Better menu bar clock with calendar and time zones. Dato is a replacement for the system menu bar clock.

By default, it looks exactly the same, but when you click it, you get a small calendar, calendar events, the current time in various time zones, and more.

Dato supports all the locales and languages that macOS supports for the menu bar text, dates, times, and the calendar, but the menus are English-only.

The calendar events are read-only. There’s currently no support for adding/editing events. However, you can quickly open an event in your main calendar app an edit it there.

• Calendar, optionally with week numbers and event indicators.
• Your upcoming events for the next week (customizable) at a glance.
• Time zones, optionally with custom names.
• Custom format for the date & time in the menu bar.
• Highlight certain days of the week in the calendar.
• Search time zones by city (15k cities included offline).
• Supports all calendar services that the built-in Calendar app supports (iCloud, Google, Outlook, etc).
• Fully customizable.
• Lots of in-app keyboard shortcuts for power users.
• Global keyboard shortcut to open/close the app.
• Supports calendar events with HTML formatted notes.
• Show seconds in the menu bar clock or in the menu. (Optional)
• “Join Meeting” button on Google Meet and Zoom meeting calendar invites.
• Open calendar events from Google Calendar directly in Google Calendar.
• Custom color for the date & time menu bar text.
• Comes with multiple menu bar icons to choose from: date in calendar, date with border (like Itsycal), static clock, none.
• Comes with a Today widget in the Notification Center for time zones.
• Large text mode.

Supported Operation System:
• macOS 11.3 or later
• Apple Silicon or Intel Core processor

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