
HTTP Logs Viewer 6.10

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HTTP Logs Viewer是一款强大的日志分析工具,可以轻松过滤和分析Apache/IIS/nginx日志文件。内置搜索和过滤功能,还支持自定义日志格式。

File size: 25 MB

http Logs Viewer (formerly Apache Logs Viewer) is a free and powerful tool which lets you monitor, view and analyze Apache/IIS/nginx logs with more ease. It offers search and filter functionality for the log file, highlighting the varioushttp requests based on their status code. There is also a report facility, thus you can generate a pie/bar chart in seconds. Together with this there are also statistics where you can get the top hits, top errors, number of status codes, total bandwidth and more.

http Logs Viewer comes packed with a variety of features enabling you to dive into the log file and extract data quickly. Log files are rich in data waiting to be consumed giving you unique power to enhance your website. The below is a list of some of the main features available in Apache Log Viewer.

Supports Common/Combined/Custom and additional Apache/nginx logs.
Supports NCSA/W3C IIS logs
Handles multiple logs
Supports compressed .gz logs
Supports IPv4 & IPv6
Split logs functionality by size/date
Monitor logs in realtime (with automatic refresh) both local and remote via FTP/SFTP
Highlight requests by status code
Converts IP & IPv6 to Country
Search by any combination of Request, Date, IP, Referrer and UserAgent
Filter by any combination of Status/IP Address, GET, HEAD, POST Requests, Date, Referrer or User-agent
Export to text file (txt), comma separated value (csv), log file or html
Various Graphical Reports (Pie/Bar/Line/StackedBar) (see below)
Various Statistics (see below)

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