
ANSYS SpaceClaim 2022 R1 x64 Multilanguage

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SpaceClaim 2022 是世界首个自然方式3D 设计系统 – 用户可以比以往任何时候更快的速度进行模型的创建和编辑。不同于基于特征的参数化CAD系统,SpaceClaim 能够让用户以最直观的方式对模型直接编辑,自然流畅地进行模型操作而无需关注模型的建立过程。
SpaceClaim 作为富有创意的3D建模解决方案,日前推出了其第四代产品,SpaceClaim Engineer 和 SpaceClaim Style。这些直接建模工具象征了这10多年来3D工程领域最显著的技术进步,从简单发展到能够专供工程师和工业设计师自由灵活操作,快速捕捉灵感,可以随意编辑实体模型而不用考虑坐标原点,并为分析,原型,制造做设计准备。


ANSYS SpaceClaim的性能提升了十倍以上,其能为您节约大量时间,并为您提供更多进行快速几何图形创作和编辑的工具,同时还提高文件导入和编辑的能力。总而言之,ANSYSSpaceClaim可以在整个工作流程中提升您的工作效率。

x64 | Languages:Multilanguage | File Size: 2.75 GB

ANSYS SpaceClaim enables anyone to create, edit, and repair geometry without worrying about underlying technology. With SpaceClaim, working with 3D modeling software becomes fast, easy, flexible, and rewarding, no matter where in the workflow you need it. Ansys Discovery SpaceClaim

Multipurpose 3D modeling for faster engineering results
Ansys Discovery SpaceClaim is a multipurpose 3D modeling application providing efficient solutions to common modeling tasks. Built on the direct modeling technology, Discovery SpaceClaim removes geometry problems associated with various 3D CAD operations, such as design or concept modeling, repair of translated CAD files, general model defeaturing, and complete model editing. With it’s premise of ease of use and simplicity, you’ll find Discovery SpaceClaim to be extremely valuable in tackling small to large modeling problems.

A new way of 3D Modeling
Discovery SpaceClaim’s unique user interface, modeling technology and versatile toolset enables you to easily create and modify geometry without the complexity associated with traditional CAD systems. When working with existing CAD models, you can de-feature and simplify geometry with automated, easy-to-learn tools. Discovery SpaceClaim is ideal for engineers who don’t have time for heavy CAD tools but want and need to get fast answers using 3D.

Ease of Use
We believe that technology should work for you, not the other way around. Technology should make your job easier, not more complicated. Discovery SpaceClaim enables you to create, edit, or repair geometry without worrying about underlying technology. With Discovery SpaceClaim, working with 3D modeling software becomes fast, easy, flexible, and rewarding, no matter where in the workflow you need it. Regardless of a model’s origin, you can open the file in Discovery SpaceClaim and add or subtract geometry in any way you visualize. With streamlined commands and workflows, operations that previously took hours can be completed in minutes. You’ll find learning Discovery SpaceClaim easy — weeks instead of months – and realize a return on your investment that’s faster than expected.

ANSYS SpaceClaim 2021 R1 Win64
Year / Release Date:2020
Version:2021 R1 (build 2021.1.0.11221)
Developer:ANSYS Inc / SpaceClaim Corporation
Interface language:Multilingual (Russian is present)
Tablet : Present (TeAM SolidSQUAD-SSQ)

System requirements
OS:Microsoft® Windows 10
Video card: minimum resolution 1024×768.
Processor: Pentium® 4 2.0 GHZ or Athlon® 2000+ and above 1Gb RAM



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