
ANSYS SCADE 2022 R1 x64 Multilingual

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SCADE诞生于上世纪80年代的法国,从欧洲的航空与核能领域的工程应用起步,经过近40年的发展,现代SCADE已经是融合了Esterel、Lustre、SAO\SAGA、Lucid Synchrone等多个语言和工具的集大成之作。由于SCADE专注于流程规范、标准严苛的安全关键行业,行业的特性使得其多应用于研制具有相当密级的、高难度的重大项目。


File size: 1.9 GB

Ansys SCADE is a model-driven development toolkit for security-critical embedded software. By using dedicated software tools and certified code generators, system engineers and developers can avoid coding errors and adhere to stringent certification standards.Tools Ansys SCADE are widely used in all industries from design aircraft control systems or remote control nuclear power plant before the creation of man-machine interface of the car………

Ansys SCADE Suite
An environment for model-based development of control algorithms and system logic, verification and integration of systems and software, as well as certified code generation.

Ansys SCADE Test
A tool for developing and executing test scenarios based on software requirements, verification and validation of embedded software and human-machine interfaces, and documentation of test results.

Whats New
Updates: official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.




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