
ANSYS Lumerical 2023 R1 x64

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Ansys Lumerical 2023为设计人员提供高性能光子模拟软体,并持续在前瞻技术上做出极大贡献。

Ansys Lumerical 为研究人员和工程师提供专门用于光子器件、电路和系统设计的模拟环境,应用在光子科学和材料加工的先进领域中,如AR/VR、数位成像、太阳能和量子计算等。

自2003年成立以来, Ansys Lumerical已成为光子模拟领域的领导者。Ansys Lumerical 的客户已遍布全球50 多个国家,其客户包含标准普尔1200 全球IT 指数前15 家大型企业中的10 家,以及泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名前50 名的研究型大学中的47 家。在13,500 多份科学期刊和专利中引用了Ansys Lumerical,是光子界中被引用最广泛的工具之一。

File Size: 2 GB

Lumerical Solutions software is a high-performance 3D FDTD Maxwell equation solution application for the design, analysis, and optimization of nanophotonic devices, processes, and materials. By using the finite difference time domain (FDTD) method, Lumerical Solutions solves the most complex photonic development problems. Rapid prototyping and high-fidelity simulation reduce the need for expensive experimental prototypes, enabling faster identification and lower product development and release costs. Lumerical Solutions can dramatically accelerate success in applications ranging from basic photonic research to systems engineering in imaging, lighting, biophotonics, photovoltaics, and more.

Lumerical Solutions analyzes the interactions of ultraviolet rays, visible and infrared radiation using complex structures. The solution accurately takes into account material dispersion at long wavelengths thanks to its own material simulation function. This allows the end user to efficiently calculate device response over a wide bandwidth. A highly optimized calculation engine allows the operation of multi-core computing systems – from laptops to computer clusters, and a built-in optimization tool accelerates the generation of optimized nanophotonic devices.



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