OMNIS是NUMECA全新开发的新一代仿真优化软件集成环境,它的基本理念是将NUMECA旗下的软件产品,包括网格划分、数值模拟、多物理场耦合以及多学科优化软件集成到同一个软件环境下,同时在该环境中加入CAD软件功能,使得用户可以从繁琐的文件格式转换以及软件界面切换中摆脱出来,在同一个软件环境下即可完成CAD建模 – 网格划分 – 仿真 – 优化的整个流程。MUNECA OMNIS程序用于模拟内部流动和身体外部流动问题的气体流动。 它有自己的预处理器,处理器(求解器)和后处理器组织为OMNIS / HEXPRESS和OMNIS / Open。
NUMECA International is delighted to announce the official release of OMNIS 5.2 is new generation of CAE design and optimization environment. Boost productivity with 100+ more new featuring and capabilities.
OMNIS is NUMECA’s unified environment for multidisciplinary design, simulation and optimization. It is compatible with all NUMECA products and enables you to access a new generation of user-interface, from pre- to post-processing tools. Via OMNIS, you can access a variety of solvers using RANS-, URANS-, LES- or Lattice-Boltzmann methods. All these solvers provide the possibility to visualize the solution parallel to the computation (co-processing). Furthermore, an application programming interface (API) for Python and C++ is included to plug-in other commercial and open-source solvers. OMNIS offers a native client-server architecture and imports and links all major CAD systems (Catia, Creo, SolidWorks, NX,…). With OMNIS, a new generation of simulation environment is provided: all tools for meshing, simulation, design, exploration and optimization in one GUI.
Numeca International Inc. develops computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software for the simulation, design, and optimization of fluid flow and heat transfer worldwide. It offers automated and customized flow integrated environments (FINE), including FINE/Turbo for the simulation of rotating and turbomachinery flows; FINE/Open for the simulation of complex internal and external applications; and FINE/Marine for marine applications.
Product: Cadence Numeca OMNIS
Version: 5.2
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : http://www.numeca.com
Languages Supported: english
System Requirements: Windows *
Size: 2.1 Gb
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