
Cisdem AppCrypt 3.3.0

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一款安全实用的应用程序加密软件,只需您设置好密码并将应用程序和网站添加到锁定列表中,没有人能够在没有正确密码的情况下访问受保护的应用程序和网站。Cisdem AppCrypt还会跟踪试图打开加密程序的失败的操作,并且会使用前置摄像头拍摄快照报告。

Windows x64 | File size: 44.89 MB

AppCrypt is a reliable tool for users to lock applications and block websites, it blocks online and offline distractions, keeps kids safe from inappropriate websites, protects privacy and secures data from unauthorized access.

Lock applications with one password
AppCrypt can lock any application with one password to control the usage of applications, you can stop others viewing your photos or videos in Photos, ban purchase in iTunes or App Store, encrypt chatting records in WhatsApp, disable game apps, prevents kids changing the settings, etc. Lock all applications, just one password.

Block access to harmful or distracting websites
AppCrypt can block access to harmful or distracting websites in Chrome, Safari (on Mac only), Edge, Firefox (on Windows only), Opera and Brave. It can block the entire domain or specific URLs. You can import from a default list of popular Games, News, Shopping, Social, Video or other websites, even by keyword. An Exceptions list can be enabled to always block or always allow a selection of websites.

Set up schedule in predefined sessions
AppCrypt lets you set up a schedule for when you can use the app or website. The predefined sessions can be on any day and time of your choice. The schedule will automatically repeat every week. Without your password, no one is allowed to change the schedule settings.

Keep an eye of failed attempts to open locked apps
When launching a locked app, a password box will pop up. If wrong password is typed, AppCrypt will capture a photo to record this failed attempt with computer’s camera. Failed attempts for launching AppCrypt itself will also be recorded.

System Requirements
– Windows7, Windows8, Windows10, Windows11 64 bit OS required


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