
DEP MeshWorks 2023.2 v23.2 x64

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DEP MeshWorks由Detroit Engineered Producs公司开发的CAE驱动的平台,用于快速生成概念CAE和CAD模型,对CAE模型进行参数化,实现优化,高级网格划分和CAD变形。它加速和转变了产品开发过程的,从而为许多客户问题提供了多种创新解决方案,产品已广泛运用于北美各大整车厂(通用、福特、克莱斯勒等)

File Size: 7.4 GB

DEP MeshWorks, from Detroit Engineered Products (DEP) is a CAE driven integrated platform for pre and post processing, involving rapid concept CAE and CAD model generation, parameterization and optimization, advanced meshing, process automation, concept modeling and CAD morphing. It has enabled leading companies across the globe to transform the product development cycle, thus considerably saving them time and money, and get to market faster. Since its release in 2001, DEP MeshWorks has been simplifying tedious time consuming processes associated with design changes, and helping reduce the product development cycle across several industries globally.

The latest major release of MeshWorks features new modules like a powerful FE/CFD pre & post processor, a customizable engineering process automation environment and has substantial depth and robustness added to its existing modules, all in an easy to use graphical interface.

Key benefits for customers using MeshWorks
Comprehensive FE/CFD pre & post processor with powerful tools for CAD clean-up, meshing, highly automated model assembly and results processing

Highly automated meshing and model assembly tools reduce CAE model building time by by 40 to 50%

Automated post-processing such as ‘hot-spot-extraction’ reduces several hours of post-processing time to a matter of minutes

Very effective design review is now possible with MW2020 with all the hot-spots unionized in one single model and facilitates subsequent design improvements to make ‘hot-spots’ go away

With the patented Auto-parametrization technology the meshed models in MW2020 automatically become parametric CAE models enabling subsequent fast design changes

The Associative Modeler in MW2020 rapidly updates CAE models as CAD changes, dramatically reducing time for model updates

Likewise, as CAE models are modified by the engineer to improve performance and reduce weight, the CAD models are also automatically updated

The Integrated Modeler in MW2020 generates multiple attribute models (Crash, NVH, Durability, CFD etc.) from one single data base eliminating parallel efforts required to create multiple models

Customer CAE processes can be rapidly automated resulting in 2x to 10x time reduction using MW2020’s highly graphical Process Automation Environment with zero scripting skills needed

CAE Morphing has been taken to new heights with the automated control block creation technology (global & local) reducing time and skill required for morphing dramatically

The CAE concept modeling module forms a perfect complement to the morphing module allowing very rapid creation of FE/CFD members, joints, features etc. at the click of a button

Whats New
official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.





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