
Graitec Tricalc 2024.1.3 v16.1.03 x64

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Tricalc 是一款完整的集成结构设计软件,涵盖从结构模型到结构尺寸、细节设计和最终制造的整个过程。 在项目的每个阶段,Tricalc 都提供了对结构设计师非常有价值的功能。Tricalc 允许执行集成的工作流程,从结构建模到结构的最终施工和制造计划。 通过其工作流程,可以保证更高的安全性,因为所有信息都相关并链接到单个模型。 在此结构模型中,所有元素均采用二阶 P-Delta 分析和每个节点六个自由度以集成方式进行计算,无论其材料如何,这避免了可能对所需安全度带来风险的简化 在项目中。 从这个意义上说,Tricalc对所有结构元素进行的集成计算使我们能够分析其元素如何相互作用,并获得整个结构可能的最真实的行为,增加对行为的了解程度 的整个结构。 当前时代需要新的能力; 为了成功应对这些挑战,有必要为专业人员配备新的、强大的工具。

x64 | File Size: 1.16 GB

Tricalc is a complete and integrated software for the design of structures, from the structural model to the dimensioning, detailing and final fabrication of the structures. In each of the phases of the project, Tricalc presents functionalities that are very valuable for structural designers.Tricalc allows an integrated work process to be carried out, from the modeling of a structure, to the final construction and manufacturing plans of the structure. With its workflow, greater security is guaranteed, since all the information is related and linked to a single model. In this structural model, all the elements are calculated in an integrated way, regardless of their material, using a 2nd order P-Delta analysis and six degrees of freedom per node, which avoids simplifications that can be risky for the degree of safety that needed in projects. In this sense, the integrated calculation of all the structural elements carried out by Tricalc allows us to analyze how its elements interact with each other, and obtain the most realistic behavior possible of the structure as a whole, increasing the degree of knowledge of the behavior of the entire structure. The current times require new capacities; To successfully face these challenges, it is necessary to equip professionals with new and powerful tools………….

Minimal System Requirements
– Windows 8/8.1/10/11 – 64bit
– PC with Intel® Core™ i3 latest generation Processor (or AMD equivalent)
– 8 GB RAM. Depending on the project’s size and complexity, additional RAM is highly recommended
– Minimum 50 GB free disk space on the hard disk
– Windows compatible graphics adapter (1GB MB video RAM), with the latest video driver (recommended by the manufacturer), with support for OpenGL 3.0 and DirectX 12 and with the latest drivers installed (for best performance, we don’t recommend onboard graphics cards)
– 19″ display or higher with 1680 x 1050 resolution
– Network adapter, Keyboard, Mouse, USB port

Recommended System Requirements
In addition to the minimal configuration, here is the hardware and software recommended by GRAITEC
– PC with Intel® Core™ i5 or i7 latest generation Processor
– 16 GB RAM – According to the project size and complexity, additional RAM might be required
– SSD with 50 GB free space or more
– 22” display or higher with 1920x 1080 resolution
– Graphics card with DirectX 12 or higher and OpenGL 3.0 compliancy
– Installed operating system: Windows 10 64-bit version
– Windows and AutoCAD® compatible printer or plotter.



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