
Smart Game Booster Pro Multilingual

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Smart Game Booster 是一款实用的 Windows 应用程序,可提高您的电脑性能,确保您畅享流畅的游戏体验。Smart Game Booster Pro 的智能功能可以在游戏会话开始时自动优化您的电脑,并在游戏会话结束时将其恢复到正常配置。它不仅是游戏加速器,还可以监测您显示器的温度,为您的游戏提供安全保障,同时还有更多的功能。以下是 Smart Game Booster Pro 的优点:

  • 帧数提升:Smart Game Booster 5.2 许可证密钥充分发挥你的 GPU 和 CPU 在游戏中的潜力。你将享受更流畅的动画,更高的帧率,更少的屏幕撕裂和更少的输入延迟。只需单击 Boost 按钮即可实现。你还可以选择特定选项,以在游戏中获得定制的提升体验。
  • 避免崩溃:Smart Game Booster 使用激活码稳定你的系统,避免频繁崩溃。它可以在启用游戏模式时自动调整你的 PC,关闭/禁用后台应用程序,释放磁盘空间并更新硬件驱动程序。
  • 防黑客攻击:你可以玩像 COD、PUBG 等在线游戏,如果你已经在这些游戏上创建了帐户,那么 Smart Game Booster 将保护你的游戏帐户免受未经授权的访问,并提高你的系统安全。
  • 可否运行:你可以搜索 Steam、Origin 和 Uplay 等游戏分发商的游戏收藏,并选择与你的系统配置相匹配的游戏。
  • 录制器:你可以设置自定义快捷键,在玩游戏时记录 PC 屏幕。这样,你就不必使用单独的软件来创建社交媒体粉丝的视频。

File Size: 63 MB

Smart Game Booster is designed to help improve your gaming experience by boosting your PC’s performance, tweaking your system, and monitoring in-game FPS and temps via a single-click.

Smart Game Booster can not only work as an FPS booster but also as a RAM cleaner and a startup item manager. All you need to do is click the BOOST button, and it will quickly end the unnecessary processes, release more system resources, clean up RAM, and disable startup items. After completion, your frame rate should be increased. Smart Game Booster should always keep your FPS value higher than 60 with a normal temperature.

While gaming, knowing your GPU temperature is vital for optimum performance, which can equate to winning or losing. Smart Game Booster incorporates a real-time monitor and display of your CPU & graphic card’s temperature, including fan speed, to keep you informed of overheating.

Smart Game Booster can also help you organize your Windows games from different distributors like Steam, Uplay, and Origin more efficiently. Just one single click can quickly boost your PC to peak performance and launch your game without delay.

PRO features
Overclock PC and improve performance with a single click
Automatically boost PC when launching games
Automatically update drivers when system is idle
Auto defrag disk when system is idle

Whats New
+ Expanded the database of CAN I RUN IT to support 3,700+ more hardware and 40,000+ more games
+ Optimized BOOST module for better boost performance
+ Improved Overclock to support more AMD and Nvidia game graphics cards
+ Fixed known issues


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