
Oasys GSA Suite x64

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Oasys GSA 是一个全面的结构分析程序,具有多种设计功能。 使用 Oasys GSA,您可以分析需要通过几何定义、内力分析和代码设计 的多个循环迭代的结构的结构设计。GSA 为工程师提供了一种通用的分析和设计软件,可以很好地集成到传统和参数化的工作流程中。

分析和设计从小型结构到复杂建模的事物的工程师都使用Oasys GSA 。

GSA具有广泛的分析选项,包括模型调试稳定性分析、模态分析、线性屈曲、脚步震动分析、显示非线性分析和找形态功能,以满足项目的需求,GSA允许用户操作和检查模型. 与包括 Revit 和 Grasshopper 在内的很多行业标准软件包的双向互操作性使该软件能够与传统和参数化工作流程协作。API 连接到开发人员的脚本。使用 GSA,可以针对几何形状(甚至弯曲的板)计算板弯曲和轴向钢筋等多种设计功能,其中钢筋在板平面中以角度定向,或钢设计检查(包括自动无支撑长度计算)和优化可以针对各种截面轮廓和规范进行。有一组可定制的保存图形输出,可以直接打印到计算包。


  • Oasys GSA 可为结构提供简单的结构分析。
  • GSA 使钢框架和混凝土板设计符合设计规范。
  • GSA 与 Revit、Grasshopper、LS-DYNA、OpenSees 和 IDEAStatiCa 集成。

File Size: 268.8 MB

The intuitive structure design software allows engineers to design structural models with 1D, 2D and 3D finite elements, however large or complex. With inbuilt form finding routines and API links to your own programs, GSA Suite allows you to create the optimum structure. It will then design your steelwork and concrete reinforcement, check for seismic response and human induced vibration, calculate buckling capacities, and can even tell you where you have made mistakes in your model.

As engineers and architects continue to push boundaries with new creations, GSA offers a quick, accurate, and affordable solution for even the most advanced project. GSA has supported a wide range of projects worldwide, including the Swiss Re (London), CCTV Headquarters (Beijing) and Las Vegas High Roller, and has global recognition as one of the most complete packages for structural engineers.

GSA’s easy-to-use interface and customer support mean you’ll be creating and sculpting models in no time. A spreadsheet-friendly file format and smooth interaction with other tools make this software the perfect choice. GSA is BIM (Building Information Modelling) compatible, and also designed to connect with a range of other leading software packages, including Autodesk Revit.

GSA Suite is our most comprehensive structural package, offering all of the GSA variant features, along with form finding and fabric analysis tools for tensile and gridshell structures.

Key Features & Benefits
Footfall-induced vibration analysis with tools developed by engineers at the forefront of this technique
Member and steel design includes automatic restraints based on connections and steel section optimisation
Structure analysis software for static, dynamic, and buckling analysis
Geometrically optimise tension-only and compression-only structures

Modules in the Suite
GSA Suite
Structural engineers designing buildings, bridges and tensile structures need comprehensive software to get robust results. Tackle any structural engineering challenge with this complete structure design and analysis software package. GSA Suite gathers the benefits of all the GSA variants into one single offering.

GSA Bridge
The perfect tool for busy bridge designers, GSA Bridge automates the optimisation of bridge loads (such as vehicle and lane loading) to a variety of international codes and checks for pedestrian footfall vibration. With a wide range of structural analysis types and 3D and 2D graphics for post-processing, bridge design analysis has never been easier.

GSA Analysis
GSA Analysis is used around the globe on all manner of projects. It provides engineers with a highly intuitive nonlinear analysis software tool to help realise the potential of design, no matter the challenges.

GSA Building
GSA Building is part of the Oasys General Structural Engineering suite and combines steel and concrete design, footfall, and soil-structure interaction analysis in the same building design software package. With this intuitive software, you can design structural models with skeletal frames and two-dimensional finite elements, enabling you to design and analyse even the most complex buildings.



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