
MSC CAEfatigue 2024.2 x64

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CAEfatigue是一款基于有限元的疲劳和随机响应求解器,也是一款可以解决时域和频域中静态和动 态问题的随机响应和疲劳寿命计算的分析工具。有时,需要进行数百万次重复加载循环的测试通常 过于昂贵和耗时和不实用。有限元分析程序可以告诉您应力“热点”的位置,但无法告诉您这些热 点是否是疲劳失效的关键区域,或者何时疲劳会成为问题以及如何解决问题。许多制造商不得不接 受较长的样机开发周期、超重的组件、不可预测的保修问题以及客户的信心丧失。CAEfatigue使得 耐久工程师快速准确地预测产品在任何时间相关或频率相关载荷条件下的使用寿命。它的优势包括 减少样机测试、减少产品召回、降低保修成本以及增加产品设计通过测试的信心。

CAEfatigue还为用户提供了计算位移、速度、加速度、力的随机响应的功能,以此检测“异响”状 态,同时也提供了从模型的一个区域转移或级联载荷另一个模 型,甚至开发出更简单的代理负载功能,例如:可以用单个输入代替多个输入,这对于测试零件和 零件十分有用。 CAEfatigue的高级随机响应和寿命估算功能允许用户使用与应力分析相同的有限 元结果执行全面的随机响应和疲劳分析。统一的环境可使用户在一个用户友好的界面中进行CAE建 模、动态分析和疲劳分析。

File Size: 3.9 GB

Advanced Random Impact Analysis Algorithms, Many automotive and aerospace systems require load analysis and collision avoidance of individual components under severe vibration conditions caused by in-service shock. An efficient frequency domain analysis technique has been developed to perform durability and response assessment in a single analysis. Using the data obtained from advanced random impact analysis, root mean square (RMS) displacements, velocities, accelerations, and forces, as well as power spectral density (PSD) plots can be determined for both absolute and relative responses of the structure. Additionally, a residual sum of squares (RSS) is calculated to account for all cross-responses.

New post-processing features allow the relative response of any node to be compared with other nearby nodes to check for collisions with adjacent components and to perform chatter analysis. The maximum response is determined by the root mean square (i.e. 3.0*RMS) value of the deviation from the corresponding probability level obtained according to the Gaussian or Rayleigh distribution, or using a method taking into account the number of response cycles. The results of calculations using the algorithm for calculating the response to random action (Advanced Random Analysis) are an excellent complement to the tasks of predicting the response of a structure under complex loading conditions, which are encountered in many engineering problems in a wide variety of industries.

Calculation of Surrogate Loads
In strength analysis, the characterization of the applied loads is of great importance. Ideally, all loads used in the analysis or in laboratory testing should correspond as closely as possible to the values ​​​​achieved in service of the product. In practice, the closest scenario that can be realized is to measure several events and input loads (taking into account their correlation) on prototype vehicles tested at the proving grounds and reproducing them in the laboratory or analytical environment. From an analytical point of view, this is the most feasible and widely used method, but it poses a significant problem of test acceleration. In laboratory simulations, especially when simulating individual components or assemblies, it is necessary to simplify the loads, usually due to the availability of test equipment, to a single input load applied cyclically (e.g. along the X, then Y, then Z axis), which creates significant difficulties. Currently, two general approaches are used. The first involves applying a wrapping procedure to the loads, according to which several loads are combined into a smoothed profile. The classic application of this procedure does not require knowledge of the system structure, so it does not provide any assurance that the resulting loads will result in the same values ​​or the same damage distribution. A second approach is to use the fatigue damage spectrum (FDS) concept, which creates a simplified load that produces similar damage to a hypothetical single-degree-of-freedom system in which resonance is induced by the applied load. Again, this approach does not take into account the real structure of the system or systems. The surrogate loading method implements a new approach that is a variation of the FDS method, but uses the properties of the real system. The Surrogate Loading tool allows a complex multi-channel load with several events in time to be transformed into a simplified “surrogate load” that produces load and damage results close to those of the complex loading, taking into account the history.

Calculations of welded joints in frequency and time domains

The CAEfatigue system, an industry first, provides the ability to perform full Frequency Domain analysis of spot welds, standard and special welds, in conjunction with more traditional Time Domain methods. It will enable fully automated vehicle analysis, including spot welds and welds, using the CF tool in both the Frequency and Time Domains.




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