
KOMPAS-3D v23.0.3 x64

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(1) 基于几何外形的布尔运算
(2) 曲面设计
(3) 关联参数设计
(4) 创建辅助线、平面、空间曲线(多折线、样条曲线螺旋线等)
(5) 创建结构特征:倒角、圆角、孔、筋、薄壁等
(6) 专业的注塑模工具:扒模斜度、分型面、型腔、收缩率等
(7) 强大的钣金功能:钣金折弯、钣金孔、百叶窗、冲压除料、冲压凹座、圆角、闭合角、钣金展开(包括展开视图)等
(8) 任意特征和装配体组件的多样阵列
(9) 自由创建用户标准件库
(10) 支持在装配体中创建和修改零部件
(11) 装配体组件强迫配合(通过自动配合提高装配效率)
(12) 零件干涉检查
(13) 大装配体模式
(14) 灵活编辑零件和装配体
(15) 模型参数全相关性,随参数值变化自动重建
(1) 读取和编辑DXFDWG、IGES等格式二维工程图文件
(2) 读取IGES、SAT、XT、STEP等格式三维模型
(4) 输出DBF、Microsoft Excel格式的物料清单
(6) 读写ASCII (DOS)、ANSI (Windows) 格式文本;读取RTF文件
(7) 输出e-Drawings格式的三维模型、工程图和物料清单
(1) 三维尺寸标注:支持零件和装配体的三维尺寸标注与标记,并能自动转入工程图。
(2) 改进程序界面:起始页允许用户自定义程序外观,如主题、风格、色彩等。
(3) 加强协同工作:支持工程图之间线条的拷贝与粘贴,拷贝时包含参考源和关联信息。
(4) 新增建模功能:允许在零件编辑模式下更改草图尺寸,在装配体模式下可进行零件创建和修改,支持所有零件建模操作,可直接创建子装配体。
(5) 改善绘图效果:新增填充命令,允许创建单色或梯度变化的填充效果,支持线形、锥形、角形、方形、圆柱形和放射形等。
(6) 统一标准编码:标准编码几乎覆盖所有书面语言,利于各国用户间不同语言技术文档的交流。
(7) 惯性参数管理:对于通过外部程序导入的模型,用户若不关心其细节形状,可以手动设置质量大小和质心位置。

Language: English | File size: 3.2 GB

KOMPAS-3D is a three-dimensional modeling system that has become the standard for thousands of enterprises, thanks to the successful combination of ease of learning and ease of work with powerful functional capabilities of solid and surface modeling, which solve all basic user problems.

ASCON forged the KOMPAS-3D design system to be so powerful that it manages projects with thousands of sub-assemblies, parts, and objects from standards libraries. It provides you with all the 3D modeling capabilities that are standard among mid-level CAD/CAM programs today.

Solid Modeling
Solid modeling typically starts by drawing 2D sketch objects, which you turn into 3D parts fixing them with constraints, extruding them by specified distances, rotating them about their axis, and so on. You further refine 3D parts with editing commands that add chamfers and fillets, cut holes, add stiffeners, and much more. To create complex assemblies, you join multiple parts together with rules and 3D constraints.

Surface Modeling
Surface models typically begin with the creation of 2D and 3D profiles made from all sorts of curves, spatial lines, and points.
You then create 3D surfaces by extruding, revolving, and generating them along paths; by defining sections, and grids of curves; and more. You can further refine surfaces by trimming, splitting, extending, and restoring them; by adding cutouts to them; and so on.
KOMPAS-3D turns surfaces into solid models when you assign thicknesses and materials to them.

Sheet Metal Modeling
KOMPAS-3D designs all kinds of sheet metal parts, instrument packages, electrical cabinets, brackets, and so on with its sheet metal functions. You can design practically anything that can be produced by sheet metal forming like bending and stamping. Once your design is complete, you prepare sheet metal parts for production by generating dimensioned flat patterns from them.

Object Modeling
Instead of drawing sketches and modeling parts, image adding them to assemblies much more quickly with the assistance of pre-drawn objects. You design rapidly with objects based on typical industry parts, such as pipes, gears, fasteners, and other metal shapes. KOMPAS-3D offers objects that can be modified quickly, understand how to behave with other parts in models, and store useful information about themselves.

KOMPAS-3D is a flexible 3D modeling system that allows you to create models by several methods, including the following ones
– Bottom-up modeling using finished components.
– Top-down modeling by designing components to match specific designs.
– Modeling based on layout drawings, such as kinematic diagrams.
– Or any combination of these modeling methods.

Installation Package
2. КОМПАС-Graphic
3. Mechanics
– Shafts and mechanical transmissions
– Mechanics: Animation
– Mechanics: Springs
– Dimension chains
4. Equipment
– Unwrapping
5. Electrical & Electronics
– eCAD KOMPAS Converter
6. Universal Add-Ins
– Auto Balloons
– KOMPAS Macro
– Pack and Go tool
– Welding Symbols
– Service Tools
– 3D model recognition system
7. Examples of libraries
8. Local Help for KOMPAS-3D
9. Training materials
10. Advanced proprietary file format import
11. KOMPAS Flow




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