
Altair Flow Simulator 2025.0 x64

Altair dsgsd 22浏览 0评论



FlowSimulator 是一款 3D 设计工具,可为 CAD 集成环境中的流体和热系统提供跨学科建模和优化。

系统级设计变得越来越重要,因为企业正在面临仿真复杂工作周期的挑战。需要采用 FlowSimulator 等快速软件解决方案对整个系统进行建模,包括对快速迭代概念建模,并理解系统仿真及系统在应用中的行为,例如旋转机械设计、电动车、风力涡轮机、换热器以及几乎任何包含热管理的应用。

FlowSimulator 初期由 GE Aviation 开发,用作飞机发动机的急流网络仿真器,以便仿真从跑道起飞到飞行和着陆为止的整个飞行周期在现实世界中的行为。自投入市场以来,该解决方案便用于简化各种复杂热系统应用的建模,包括医疗保健、机车和可再生能源。

File size: 610 MB

Flow Simulator is an integrated flow, heat transfer, and combustion design software that enables mixed fidelity simulations to optimize machine and systems design.

This fluid system design tool provides interdisciplinary modeling and optimization capabilities within a single platform for machine design with respect to fluid dynamics/thermal/combustion within a 3D design environment. This tool allows users to import actual hardware and utilization of 3D CAD point-cloud to automatically create the computational model overlaid on the machine hardware. An extended library of preconfigured elements/components is available to model/simulate a wide-range of physical phenomena including compressible/incompressible fluid flow, buoyancy-driven flow, rotating cavity system flow, conduction/convection/radiation heat transfer, combustion equilibrium-chemistry & species transport. Eight combinations of analysis modes (steady state, quasi steady state, and transient analysis for fluid dynamics, thermal, and combustions) are available to predict system/subsystem run conditions during a cycle/mission simulation (flight mission, power ramp up, shut down…etc). Control system components (proportional integral derivative (PID) controllers, feedforward, and mission) can be integrated with computational model system/subsystem to optimize the simulated-machine operation during cycle/mission analysis.




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