
Altair PollEx 2025.0 x64

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Altair PollEx 2025 加速从设计到制造的电子系统开发

提供令消费者满意的电子产品不仅需要将 ECAD 与 MCAD 联系起来,还需要在整个开发过程中以设计速度进行基于物理的分析并进行跨学科协作。PollEx 有助于将 Altair 的仿真驱动设计理念带入电子行业,激发创新,同时确保满足时序、性能、可靠性和合规性目标。

PollEx 不仅仅是一个印刷电路板 (PCB) 验证工具,还是加速当今智能、互联和紧密封装电子产品开发的解决方案。全球行业带头者使用它来提高效率、提高绩效、促进团队合作和加强协作。Altair 提供用于完整系统分析的工具,将机械、热、电磁和嵌入式代码设计流与 PCB 设计集成在一起。

File size: 780 MB

Design and engineering require a system-level view of products and systems. The integrated design of mechanical behavior and electronics is a trademark of today’s product development. Based on a strong foundation of mechanical simulation software, Altair has expanded into areas of systems simulation and electromagnetics. Altair’s Pollex PCB solvers and verification tools extend these capabilities into a new domain, allowing Altair to provide software for system-level design decisions………..




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