
VovSoft Sound Recorder 3.0

Windows dsgsd 27浏览 0评论
th_q0dAppaMhXhxYzUMVoWeFoyVfadHitas一款非常好用的音频录制软件,这款软件可以使用WASAPI 录制来自当前输入设备(麦克风)和当前输出设备(环回录制)的音频。

File size: 3 MB

Sound Recorder helps you record audio from your input device (microphone) and from your output device (loopback recording) by taking advantage of WASAPI.

Record sound coming from computer
This utility can come in handy when you are interested in quickly capturing your microphone or the sounds played by your desktop or laptop computer even if you don’t have any speakers connected.

You don’t have to hold up a microphone to your computer’s speakers to record its audio. Even if you don’t have a “Stereo Mix” option on your PC, you can easily record the sound coming from your Windows PC as WAV file.

Key Features
Save Full Recording
Save Silence-Trimmed Recording
Save Split Recordings


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