
Office Timeline

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Office Timeline是一个非常好用的PPT时间轴插件。可以集成到PowerPoint中,提供丰富的PPT时间轴模板,您可以直接使用这些模板,也可以在这些模板的基础上进行修改和设计,OfficeTimeline官方版能帮助用户轻松制作出各式各样的PPT时间轴吗,用户可以将这款时间轴插件添加到PowerPoint里面,用起来更加方便!快速创建专业的项目视觉效果,展示您的工作并给客户,同事和经理留下深刻印象。 Office Timeline是唯一一款为知识工作者构建的甘特图和时间线制作软件,就在Microsoft PowerPoint中。它可以轻松生成优雅的甘特图和时间轴,这是其他应用程序无法比拟的。有简单直观的界面,创建专业的时间表和甘特图从未如此简单。无缝集成到PowerPoint和功能强大而简单的Timeline Creator向导意味着您可以在几分钟内开始创建外观精美的甘特图和时间轴。

File size: 116.82 MB

The #1 PowerPoint Timeline Maker for Windows and Office. Create PowerPoint timelines or roadmaps as fast as clients and executives need them. Simple but powerful PowerPoint add-in that anyone can use to quickly make and manage impressive timelines………..

System Requirements
– Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows 7 (SP1), Windows 8, or Windows 10 (LTSB, CBB and CB). Office Timeline does not run on Windows 10 S. The add-in is functional on Windows XP and Windows Server but unsupported.
– 32-bit versions of Microsoft Office 2007 (SP3), 2010, 2013, or 2016. Although Office Timeline works with 64-bit versions of Office, we do not formally test or support it on 64-bit. The vast majority of the Office install base is the 32-bit version of Office. 32-bit is recommended by Microsoft unless you have very specific needs for 64-bit.
– .NET Framework 4.5.2 or greater.

License Type: Basic, Pro, Pro+


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