- 模型管理器:集中管理模型和仿真 App,支持高级搜索、访问管理和版本控制等
- 不确定性量化模块:提供分析全局灵敏度和概率可靠性的工具,用于不确定性量化分析
- “App 开发器” 新增编辑器,用于设计 App 界面中的交互式菜单和功能区工具栏
- 支持在组 节点中对几何对象和操作进行分组
- 对导入的网格进行合并、创建边界层等操作
- 颜色表的绘图功能得到扩展,包括基于对数标尺绘图
- 环境光遮蔽和透明效果的改进,使三维模型的显示更加逼真
- 自动生成 Microsoft® PowerPoint® 演示文稿报告
- 支持在 M1 处理器上运行的 macOS 操作系统
- 计算 PCB 的频率相关电阻和电感矩阵
- PCB 上微波和毫米波电路的自适应和物理场控制的网格划分
- 用于天线和电磁波传播的混合边界元-有限元方法 (BEM-FEM)
- 电磁屏蔽多层复合材料建模
- 用于射频和微波元件的非线性磁性材料
- 新增电机工具,包括“零件库”和有效扭矩计算
- 结构和磁强耦合多物理场仿真的磁力学分析
- 光学材料库扩充,新增来自领先制造商生产的玻璃材料
- 总的来说,蠕变和非线性结构材料的求解速度提高了十几倍
- 通过自动生成“对”和接触条件,可以大幅简化机械接触的建模工作
- 使用 Craig-Bampton 方法进行动态或静态分析的快速降阶建模
- 导入的 CAD 装配中的壳建模得到了改进
- 随机振动的疲劳评估
- 裂纹建模中的摩擦接触
- 纤维增强的线弹性材料
- 膜起皱分析
- 采用时域显式方法的压电波多物理场接口
- 使用大涡模拟 (LES) CFD 分析流致噪声
- 用于压力声学的物理场控制网格功能
- 用于散射和辐射的高频压力声学接口
- 易于使用的完美匹配边界辐射条件
- 用于气动声学的截面模态分析
流体 & 传热
- 表面对表面辐射的计算效率提升了十几倍
- 填充床传热的多尺度建模
- 改进的 LES 具有自动壁处理功能并包含热壁函数
- 旋转机械的高马赫数流动分析
- 热固性树脂的固化分析
- 具有多个分散相的混合溶液在旋转机械中的相分离
- 具有水平集的 Brinkman 方程进行多孔介质两相流分析
- 用于分析多孔介质中的非等温流动的多物理场接口
- 用于非等温反应流的多物理场接口
- 用于非均相反应和吸附的多孔催化剂特征
- 稀物质湍流反应流
- 锂离子电池中的嵌锂引起的应力和应变
- 用于更轻松地对多步充放电循环进行建模的事件序列
- 新增燃料电池和电解槽的材料库
- 穿过燃料电池和电解槽中分离膜的物质传递
- 新增阴极保护接口
CAD 导入模块、设计模块和 CAD LiveLink™ 产品
- 用于将三维对象和实体投影到工作平面和二维几何的投影 功能
- 更快、更可靠地导入 ECAD 文件
- 用于几何对象之间干涉的检测干涉 工具得到改进
- COMSOL Multiphysics® 软件与 CAD 软件之间实现离线同步
Français, Deutsch, Italiano, 日本語, 한국어, Español.
COMSOL, a global leader in modeling and simulation software, has announced the release of COMSOL Multiphysics version 6.3, which delivers new features and capability updates for efficient physics modeling and simulation app development. The new version includes automated geometry preparation tools, GPU support for accelerated acoustics simulation and surrogate model training, a new Electric Discharge Module, and an interactive Java environment, to name a few.
The new automated geometry preparation tools streamline model development by removing unnecessary details and defects in CAD models, resulting in higher-quality meshes for enhanced simulation reliability. Users can thereby import larger industrial CAD models, which originally were not meant for simulation, and use the automated geometry preparation tools to make the necessary adjustments for robust simulations. The interactive Java environment allows for on-the-fly model modifications using the COMSOL API. Additionally, a chatbot tool is available to assist with Java coding and answer general queries.
Up to 25x Faster Transient Acoustics Simulations
The Acoustics Module now offers GPU support for up to 25x faster simulations of pressure acoustics in the time domain, along with new capabilities for poroacoustics, including support for modeling anisotropic materials and frequency-dependent material properties in the time domain.
Pressure acoustics in an office environment, modeled in COMSOL Multiphysics® version 6.3 using GPU support for 25x faster results.
Detailed Electric Discharge and Breakdown Simulations
The release of COMSOL Multiphysics version 6.3 also introduces the Electric Discharge Module, which offers powerful simulation capabilities spanning a wide range of electric discharge scenarios, including atmospheric pressure gas discharges, breakdown phenomena in liquids like transformer oil, and solid materials like insulating polymers.
Transformer oil with a positive streamer propagating through it under a lightning impulse voltage.
News Across the Product Suite
Additional highlights of COMSOL Multiphysics version 6.3 include:
– Efficient data sampling for surrogate model creation
– Electromechanical modeling for thin structures, tools for moisture-induced swelling, and simplified workflows for spot welds and fasteners
– More accurate electrostatic force calculations for MEMS devices, efficient modeling of laminated iron in motors and transformers, and easier modeling of periodic structures in wave optics
– Incorporation of Reynolds-stress turbulence models, non-Newtonian flow in porous media, and fast drying simulations with nonequilibrium moisture transport
– Precipitation and crystallization simulation for particle nucleation and growth with particle size distribution
COMSOL Multiphysics is a general-purpose simulation software used in all fields of engineering, manufacturing, and scientific research. The software brings fully coupled multiphysics and single-physics modeling capabilities, model management, and user-friendly tools for building simulation applications. Spread the value of simulation to your design teams, manufacturing departments, test labs, customers, and other collaborators by distributing your apps using COMSOL Compiler and COMSOL Server. Add-on modules provide specialized functionality for electromagnetics, structural mechanics, acoustics, fluid flow, heat transfer, and chemical engineering. Interfacing products are available for CAD and other third-party software. All add-on products from the product suite connect seamlessly with COMSOL Multiphysics for a modeling workflow that remains the same regardless of what you are modeling.
COMSOL Multiphysics version 6.3 introduces the Electric Discharge Module, GPU-accelerated simulations, and updates for greater modeling productivity.
Svante Littmarck and Farhad Saeidi founded COMSOL AB in 1986 in Stockholm, Sweden. Since then, the company has grown into a group of subsidiaries spread around the world. Today, Svante Littmarck is the CEO of the COMSOL Group and the president and CEO of COMSOL, Inc. Farhad Saeidi is the president of COMSOL AB. The group flagship product, COMSOL Multiphysics, is used in all fields of engineering, manufacturing, and scientific research for modeling multiphysics systems. Our customers use the software to understand, predict, innovate, and optimize product designs and processes.
Product Name: Comsol Multiphysics
Version: 6.3 (290)
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : http://www.comsol.com
Languages Supported: multilanguage
System Requirements: Windows *
Size: 9.5 Gb
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