idfile Recovery software是一款超级给力的硬盘数据恢复工具。他可以恢复已删除/格式化/重分区/有故障驱动器/损坏的分区表等数据,支持逻辑分区错误,硬盘逻辑坏道,硬盘物理损坏错误恢复。
Aidfile Recovery software pro 功能特点:
1、恢复FAT, NTFS分区文件系统丢失的,删除的或格式化的数据;
2、恢复Windows 系统丢失的,删除的或格式化的音频或视频文件,包括rmvb, wav, wmv, mp3, mp4, mpeg等等;
3、恢复回收站中已删除的文件,包括MS Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Zip和BKF文件等;
Aidfile Recovery Software is a powerful data recovery tool for recovering files from deleted / formatted / repartition / missing drives / partition table damaged etc. It supports EXFAT / FAT32 / NTFS file systems. Aidfile data recovery can recover the data while there is an error happens to your software, for example: partition error writing, unintentional formatting, accidentally deletion, false backup, MBR losing, bad sector of BOOT, virus attack, Hackers Attack, conversion error, partition logic error, logical bad sectors of hard drives, partition table lost, ect. The success rate is exclusively high.
Aidfile Recovery Software Keyfeature:
– File recovery after accidental format, even if you have reinstalled Windows.
– Get back files after a partitioning error or hard disk crash.
– Recover lost deleted partitions.
– Recover deleted or lost files emptied from the Recycle Bin.
– Recover formatted lost MS office word excel document, photo, image, video, music, email, etc.
– Recover from hard drive, USB drive, memory card, memory stick, camera card, Zip, floppy disk or other storage media.
– Support EXFAT, FAT32, NTFS file systems.
– High quality of file recovery.
Aidfile Recovery Software Function:
– Format Recovery
When drive has been formatted, encountered not formatted error, Aidfile Recovery software is the best solution if you just formatted your hard drive partition by or memory card by mistake, drives or card reading “the drive is not formatted, do you want to format it now?”. Recovering files after formatted FAT, NTFS partition with file recovery tool to recover you reformatted file.
– Deleted Recovery
Deleted File Recovery can recover deleted files, including documents, photos, mp3 and zip files, folders and all kind of damaged disks. In addition to HDD, the program supports any type of storage media (music sticks, cameras, flash drives, USB drives, etc)! It works with encrypted files and helps you to recover the lost file.
– Partition Recovery
Recover file data if the data is lost by repartition or patition table error or partition’s size is changed partitons combination or partition’s type is changed.
– Advance Recovery
If the folders are deleted or file’s name is unknown or file’s infomation (file’s MFT record in NTFS file system,file’s Directory entry in FAT32 file system) is overwitten, Aidfile Recovery Software can scan the hard drive by file type,such as doc, docx, jpg, mp3, mp4, 3gp, avi, etc.
Support Windows 10,8.1,XP,2003,2008,2012,Vista;Window 7,Windows 8,(32 bit & 64 bit) .
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