
Cycling 74 Max 9.0.4

Windows dsgsd 36浏览 0评论


Cycling 74 Max 是一款音频和视频编程软件,它提供了一个可视化的编程环境,让用户通过图形化界面来创建音频和视频应用程序。 Max 的核心概念是模块化编程,它提供了大量的模块和对象,用户可以自由组合这些模块和对象来实现他们的创意。

File Size: 708.8 MB

A Playground for Invention, Max is an infinitely flexible space to create your own interactive software.

Connect Ideas Together to Create
Each object does something. Max has objects that generate sound waves, represent hardware, or provide a UI for interaction.
Patchcords connect one object to another. This connection lets objects share their output with connected objects.
Connect UI objects like dials and sliders to provide control values or display results. Modulate, map and scale data to get just the right results.

Create Software Built Around You, In the Moment
Drag in your own audio clips and start manipulating them and connecting effects
Map your patcher with MIDI controllers as you go to start playing with your creation while you work……..




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