
Aurally Sound Song Master Pro 2.7.01

Windows dsgsd 27浏览 0评论


Song Master 提供一整套工具和分析器,旨在帮助你直接从录音中学习和练习歌曲。先进的人工智能算法可分析并确定和弦、曲段、小节、调性、BPM 和时间符号。慢速、改变音高、重新混音和乐器静音、节拍器以及乐句和调式训练器等工具简化了学习过程。

File size: 188 MB

Song Master gives you the tools to learn your favorite songs directly from the recording and to practice them efficiently.

Song Master uses advanced machine learning and deep learning algortihms to determine a song’s high level sections, chords, bars, beats, time signature, key, and tuning.

Pitch Detection – Pro
AI algorithms convert audio into pitch and midi notes. The Pitches Viewer allows you to selectively view the spectrograms and notes of all tracks in the song. It is a useful tool to assist you in transcribing music and for viewing how the various parts combine to make the song.

Spectrogram View
Spectrogram shows the frequency content present in one or more of the tracks. For melodic instruments, you will see how a note on the instrument is distributed along the harmonic series. Percussive instruments will appear as “smears” along the vertical axis.

Midi View
Song Master converts the spectrogram into Pitch and Midi layers that can be viewed independently or together to help you determine how the music was played.

Export Midi
The midi data for a track can be saved to an external file or drag-and-dropped into a DAW or midi editor.


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