
Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds Saga v2.0.0.1-DELiGHT

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《星球大战:银河战场》它采用了Age of Empires II的引擎作为自己的支柱。这个消息对于那些一直期盼着得到一个有趣的Star Wars策略作品的玩家来说绝对是一个好的预兆,毕竟还有谁比Ensemble Studios更适合帮助LucasArts创作一部即时战略作品呢?Ensemble绝对拥有经验和成功来帮助LucasArts克服 Force Commander的失误并完成一部真正体现史诗般Star Wars战斗的RTS作品。

About: Star Wars™ Galactic Battlegrounds Saga includes Star Wars™ Galactic Battlegrounds and the expansion pack Star Wars™ Galactic Battlegrounds: Clone Campaigns. The destiny of a galaxy hangs in the balance, and you are in command! Lead the great armies of the Star Wars™: Episode II: Attack of the Clones saga in intense real-time strategy clashes. Enter the fray as the Galactic Empire, Rebel Alliance, Wookies, Trade Federation, Gungans or Royal Naboo to determine the course of the Galactic Civil War.


  • Execute campaigns over land, sea, and air in single-player campaigns, skirmishes, and multiplayer battles.
  • Combat arenas extend from interstellar asteroids to epic ground battles to aquatic realms.
  • Deploy vast armies-up to 200 units per side – that can include Bounty Hunters, Jedi, Droids™, Wookiee Kat tanks and much more.
  • Manage resources and upgradeable technology into your strategy, such as Wookie ingenuity, advanced Gungan biotechnology and Jedi stamina.
  • Create custom single or multiplayer campaigns featuring virtually any Star Wars units and settings with the Scenario Editor.

Genre: Strategy, Real-time, Sci-fi
Developer: Lucasfilm / Disney

Release Name: Star.Wars.Galactic.Battlegrounds.Saga.v2.0.0.1-DELiGHT
Size: 554 MB

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