
Death to Spies Moment of Truth MULTi5-PROPHET

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《死亡间谍:决断时刻/Death to Spies: Moment of Truth》由俄罗斯游戏工作室Haggard Games开发,1C Company公司发行,这是一款以匿踪潜行为主的动作游戏,是《Death to Spies》的续作。玩家在这款游戏中扮演的主角,是苏联反情报组织SMERSH的一位部门领导人Semion Strogov。

About This Game: This is a third-person stealth-action game describing the activities of the SMERSH, the most mysterious secret service agency of World War II.
Moment of Truth is a sequel to the popular stealth action title Death to Spies. The game’s main character is Semion Strogov, a captain in the 4th department of the Soviet counterintelligence service called SMERSH (a Russian acronym meaning “Death to Spies”).

The hero possesses the skills to accomplish dangerous missions that include gathering information on the location of hostile military and civil units and assassinating enemy agents, including the Wehrmacht’s high-ranking officers. His task is to capture spies and saboteurs and gather information about their actions using unique technologies and devices.


  • Brand new missions located in Western and Eastern Europe, USA, in the UK and the territory of the former USSR
  • New vehicles and weapons
  • Enhanced animation and visuals
  • New graphic effects: new landscape texturing with higher resolution and bump mapping effects, updated rendering with HDR and dithered shadows
  • Improved interface
  • Moment of Truth contains a lot of improvements based on the game community’s requests

Genre: Action
Developer: Haggard Games
Publisher: 1C Company, 1C-SoftClub
languages: EN/FR/IT/ES/RU

Release Name: Death.to.Spies.Moment.of.Truth.MULTi5-PROPHET
Size: 2.45 GB
Links: HomepageSteamNFO

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