
Life Is Strange Episode 1-FLT

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《勿忘我》(Remember Me)开发商Dontnod宣布其新作《奇异人生》( Life is Strange)第一章将于明年1月30日正式发售。


  本作设定为俄勒冈州,世外桃源港湾的一座虚构城镇,出走5年的大学生Max Caulfield回到了小镇,然后与好友Chloe一起探寻同学Rachel Amber神秘失踪的真相。


   《奇异人生》第一章将于明年1月30日正式发行,登陆PC、PS4、PS3、Xbox 360和Xbox One,售价仅为3.99英镑(约合RMB 39元)。而购买季票则可以获得第二至第五章的内容,季票售价13.99英镑,此外,玩家还可以一次性购买整个游戏,完整版售价15.99英镑。

Life Is Strange is a five part episodic game that sets out to revolutionise story based choice and consequence games by allowing the player to rewind time and affect the past, present and future.

You are Max, a photography senior who saves her old friend Chloe by discovering she can rewind time. The pair soon find themselves exposed to the darker side of Arcadia Bay as they uncover the disturbing truth behind the sudden disappearance of a fellow student.

Meanwhile, Max begins to have premonitions as she struggles to understand the implications of her power. She must quickly learn that changing the past can sometimes lead to a devastating future.


  • A beautifully written modern adventure game.
  • Rewind time to change the course of events.
  • Multiple endings depending on the choices you make.
  • Striking, hand-painted visuals.
  • Distinct, licensed indie soundtrack.

Publisher: SQUARE ENIX
Developer: DONTNOD Entertainment
Genre:Action, Adventure

Release name:Life_Is_Strange_Episode_1-FLT
Size: 1.86GB

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