迷你歌词是一款自动搜索下载显示歌词的软件,它非常容易使用,只要安装到您的系统,然后连上Internet网络,在您听歌的时候就可以看到显示的歌词了。迷你歌词会自动去搜索、下载、显示歌词,给您带来方便的同时,为您节省了很多的时间和精力。而且它会自动将歌词下载到本地,这样下次您再听这首歌曲是,就不用再下载了,可以节省网络带宽和您的上网费用。迷你歌词支持多种播放器,包括winamp2、winamp3、winamp5、windows media player 9.0(10.0)、foobar2000、RealOne Player、QCD player(Quintessenial Player)、iTunes、Musicmatch Jukebox、MediaMonkey等多种播放器。 迷你歌词支持更换外观,您随时更换您喜欢的外观;
MiniLyrics | 2 MB
MiniLyrics is a fascinating lyrics viewer for synchronizing and displaying lyrics of the currently playing song in Winamp 2.0/3.0, Winamp 5.x, Windows Media Player, itunes, matchbox, Quintessenial Player, foobar2000. RealOne Minilyrics makes your music come alive with streaming lyrics that are timed with the song. You can follow along with the artist and catch every word,and even sing along like a Karaoke machine. Minilyrics is an application that helps you to view lyrics of your favorite songs.
MiniLyrics 7.6.47 Multilanguage
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