
SketchUp Pro v15.3.329 MacOSX

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SketchUp Pro v15.0.9349 Mac OS XSketchUp Pro v15.0.9349 Mac OS X

SketchUp Pro 是最直观的 3D 设计、记录和思想交流工具。

SketchUp Pro 的用户是哪些人?每个人。

一直以来,(请深呼吸)建筑设计、建筑施工、工程、商业室内设计、轻型建筑、园林建筑、厨房和浴室设计、城市规划、游戏设计、电影和舞台、木工手艺和许多其他行业中数十万的专业人士每天都使用 SketchUp Pro。 本工具专为解决 CAD 软件复杂且昂贵的缺点而设计。

更智能的 3D 建模思考方式

SketchUp Pro 像是一支拥有超能量的铅笔。 从描绘线条和形状开始。 推拉平面即可将其转换为 3D 形式。 通过拉伸、复制、旋转和着色制作您喜欢的模型。 需要更高级的功能?使用 CAD 和地形数据、照片甚至手绘草图开始建模。 使用自定义行为和属性建模。 SketchUp Pro 正如您想的那样简单而强大。 了解更多 »

使用 LayOut 将模型转换为图纸

在每个项目的某些情况下,您需要生成展示模型的一系列图纸:平面图、截面图、立面图和透视图。 借助 SketchUp Pro 中的 LayOut,您可以将模型视图添加到页面、选择绘图比例尺、调整线条粗细和添加尺寸、标注和图形。 您对模型所做的更改将自动在 LayOut 中体现出来。 适时导出 PDF、图像和 CAD 文件。 了解更多 »


SketchUp 成为强大的环保型 3D 建模软件的原因是:我们不会因为功能而牺牲可用性。 借助便利的背景提示、新手专用的工具向导面板和大量在线资源,您随时都可获得帮助。 为以防万一,每份 SketchUp Pro 许可证都包括一年的免费技术支持。 了解更多 »


我们设计 SketchUp Pro 时的一个考量,就是让它无缝嵌入到您现有的工作流程中。 让我们来份字母汤吧!这里有 DXF、DWG、3DS、DAE、KMZ、TIF、JPG、PNG 等一系列文件格式的导入器,让您自由地使用各种图纸、模型和图像来表达自己的心中所想。 SketchUp Pro 还可导出上述所有格式,以及 PDF、OBJ、FBX、XSI、VRML、MP4,WEBM 和 AVI 格式。 哦天哪! 了解更多 »

幻灯片枯燥无味。 使用 SketchUp Pro 进行演示。

场景允许您在停止时保存模型视图。 各种样式提供无尽的视觉效果,使您的作品看起来精密、粗略或介于两者之间。 将模型切开形成截平面,用于创建截面图。 全屏播放、四处走动、添加标签并导出叠加动画。 使用 SketchUp Pro 进行演示,让您的观点始终清晰明了。 了解更多 »


是否需要一把特殊的椅子来搭配您正在设计的房间?或者想要一盏灯来搭配您的车库?或者想要一头犀牛放进您的动物园?凡是您需要的,几乎都能在 SketchUp 的 3D 模型库中找到,因为它是世界上最大的免费 3D 模型库。 至于提供额外功能和工具的插件,我们全新的“扩展程序资源库”就是您登上插件方舟的船票。 了解更多 »


您可在大约两分钟内选取世界的一部分插入到 SketchUp Pro 模型,一次最多一平方公里。 您将获得免费的航空图像、3D 地形模型和经纬度数据来进行准确的阴影研究。 您可在此导入根据现场情况预制的建筑模型,并使用 Google 地图街道景观图像为所需的其他事物建模。 了解更多 »


您母亲一直告诉您 3D 建模成功的关键在于整洁和条理。 让您的模型便于使用和展示。 使用组和组件将您的几何图形分成逻辑块。 图层可用于分离大块的模型,管理器可让所有事物都一目了然。 了解更多 »

SketchUp Pro v15.0.9349 Mac OS X | 115 MB

There’s a reason SketchUp is synonymous with friendly and forgiving 3D modeling software: we don’t sacrifice usability for the sake of functionality. Start by drawing lines and shapes. Push and pull surfaces to turn them into 3D forms. Stretch, copy, rotate and paint to make anything you like. If you want to be productive within a couple of hours, you’ve come to the right place.

Find a 3D model of anything

Why model everything from scratch? Whether it’s a chair for the room you’re designing or a rhino for your zoo, you’ll find almost anything you need in SketchUp’s 3D Warehouse, the world’s biggest repository of free 3D models. And anyone can use 3D Warehouse to store and share models. Upload your best work and become a SketchUp legend.

Turn models into documents

At some point in most 3D projects, you’ll need to turn your model into a set of drawings that gets the point across. LayOut in SketchUp Pro lets you add model views to pages, choose drawing scales, adjust line weights, and add dimensions, callouts, and graphics. Make a change to your SketchUp model, and find it reflected automatically in LayOut. And when it’s time, export PDFs, images and CAD files.

Make SketchUp yours

SketchUp is meant to be customized. Thanks to our Ruby API and an amazing community of developers, today you can explore an entire universe of extensions. These are add-on tools built to solve the kind of 3D modeling problems that might otherwise leave you scratching your head. Need to draw 3D moldings? There’s an extension for that. Wouldn’t it be cool to bend your models to fit a curve? That’s possible, too. Photorealistic rendering? Definitely. If you can imagine a SketchUp extension, chances are it already exists.

Under the hood


SketchUp Pro v15.0.9349 Mac OS X

Our biggest commitment is to keep SketchUp fast, friendly, and reliable — for you and your computer. Here’s how we’ve tuned SketchUp 2015:

  • For the first time ever, we’re offering a 64-bit version for Windows and Mac machines.
  • We’ve sharpened “Face-Finder,” the code SketchUp uses to create faces while you’re modeling. Look for big improvements in operations like explode, especially in your behemoth-sized models.
  • SketchUp is now self-aware of styles that help your model render faster. You’ll notice “Fast Styles” badged in the styles window, including those you create yourself.


New Tools

SketchUp Pro v15.0.9349 Mac OS X

When it comes to writing new tools for SketchUp, we shoot to make features feel as if you’ve been using them for years. Here what’s new for 2015:

  • SketchUp 2015 features an official Rotated Rectangle tool, so you can now draw precise rectangles unbound by default axes. We have to say: driving this tool feels a little bit like riding a bike with no hands.
  • With our new 3-point Arc tool — which defines bulges by choosing three points — there are now four different ways to draw arc’ed edges.
  • We’ve overhauled LayOut’s Label tool. You can now conveniently place and align beautiful, two-segmented leader labels. We also made label text a lot smarter. Placing a label gives you the option to choose information you’d like to associate with it. Component attributes, BIM classifications, face areas: go on, label as you like.


Smoothing our edges

SketchUp Pro v15.0.9349 Mac OS X

In this release, we’ve rolled up our sleeves to improve things that affect how you use SketchUp.

  • With an IFC File import, SketchUp Pro 2015 is our most information modeling-friendly release yet. We’ve also sharpened Classifier, our tool for applying industry standard types that stay with your model as it travels between BIM tools.
  • We’ve added a slew of new Ruby API features to help SketchUp extension developers create tools that manage layers, classifications, section cuts and more. Queue the next generation of information modeling tools…

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