
WinCatalog 2015

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WinCatalog 是一款最新的编目软件,主要特色是对实物进行编目,如果个人有很多收藏,WinCatalog是个不错的选择。使你可以更容易制作和管理电脑中的收藏: 可以划分虚拟文件夹,使编目项目不仅仅是为磁盘或文件夹,同样也适用于文件。有一个新的的特点: WinCatalog可以支持非文件项目,你可以编目你书架上的图书,DVD,甚至可以是硬币或邮票收藏。主要程序窗口被分为三个部分,提供对所有项目进行快速的操作。既托既存功能使编目项目分类更加容易与迅速,同时为高级用户提供了强大的报表功能。

WinCatalog 2015 13x Multilingual | 8.4 MB

WinCatalog indexes discs, files and folders for finding files and data without having to reach for the original CD or DVD. Stop wasting time looking for a tune or movie stored on a hundred’s disc from your growing collection! Simply process your CDs and DVDs with WinCatalog once, and you’ll be able to find any file from the collection in a matter of seconds!

WinCatalog keeps in its database information about all files stored on your removable media and on your computer. 

Besides to a simple filename remembering WinCatalog keeps additional information about most files. WinCatalog can extract the following additional information. 

• It can process archive contents and add all archives files into the database as well.
• It can process music files (MP3 in general) and extract information about the composition (artist name, song title, etc) and about the audio file itself (duration, bit rate, number of channels, etc).
• It can keep thumbnails for most popular image files like JPEG, PNG, BMP, ICO.
• [new!] It can keep thumbnails for video files (codecs are required to be installed).
• WinCatalog can extract album covers from MP3 files and keep them in the catalog as well.
• WinCatalog parses text files and keeps a part of text for preview.
• WinCatalog can parse HTML files (stored web pages) and extract Titles and other meta data. 

WinCatalog makes managing your collection much easier: you can divide it by virtual (blue) folders and add to the catalog not only disks and folders, but also the individual files. There is one more feature: WinCatalog supports non-file items enabling you to catalog your books, videos or even postage stamps and coins!

OS : Windows 8.1, 8, 7, Vista & XP
Language : Multilingual 

Home Page – http://www.wincatalog.com/

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