Passolo 是目前世界上最流行的软件本地化专业工具之一。它支持众多文件格式,包括可执行程序文件、资源文件和基于 XML 的文件。文本可以被翻译为多种语言,包括亚洲语系(Unicode 码)以及书写方式为从右向左的语言,比如希伯来语和阿拉伯语。
Passolo 的使用非常容易,因此优化了软件的本地化过程。使用者既不需要进行耗时和昂贵的培训,也不需要有任何编程经验。软件的本地化工作可以在不接触源代码情况下完成,甚至可以在软件的最终版本产生之前就可以开始软件的本地化工作。
在 Passolo 中,翻译数据的编译、交换和处理都非常容易。使用它的模拟翻译功能可以在实际翻译之前检查软件是否适合进行本地化。
Passolo 包含多种所见即所得(WYSIWYG)编辑器来处理软件的用户界面,包括对话框、菜单、位图、图标和指针编辑器。用户界面的处理非常安全,绝对不会意外删除或者改变现有的元素或结构。
利用其内部的翻译记忆技术,Passolo 可以重用现有的翻译资源。即使某个程序不是用 Passolo 翻译的,它的文本还是可以被 Passolo 用来进行新项目的自动翻译。模糊匹配技术能搜索相似和精确匹配的文本,从而提高了翻译人员的工作效率,缩短了翻译周期。
而 Passolo 能够与所有主流翻译记忆系统交换数据,并支持常用的数据交换格式。
Passolo 的质量保障功能可以检查文本的拼写,自动识别被截断或者重叠的文本以及不正确的快捷键设置。
很多在本地化过程中可能出现的潜在错误可以得到避免或被 Passolo 识别出来。
针对大型及分散完成的工程,Passolo 提供有特殊的版本,可以让用户非常容易地与外部翻译人员进行数据交换。由于有免费的译员版可供使用,因此软件的授权费用得到了降低,同时还简化了与译员之间的工作流程。
Passolo 包含一个与 VBA 兼容的脚本引擎,并且支持 OLE。一些立刻可用的宏(可免费下载)为 Passolo 增添了许多简单实用的功能。使用内置的 IDE,用户也可以开发他们自己的本地化解决方案以适应特定软件的需要。
SDL Passolo 2015 Collaboration Edition | 76 MB
Empower your teams to effectively collaborate, communicate and manage software localization from end to end within one centralized environment. SDL Passolo offers intelligent workflows and intuitive project management features that produce faster multilingual software releases, higher quality software localization and more efficient processes.
Simplified software localization
Streamline and simplify the software localization process with an easy-to-use, visual environment and agile-friendly project management workflows.
Faster time to market
Speed up the software localization process by managing software localization and translations in parallel with programming and QA sprints.
Exceptional user experiences
Build high-quality software and documentation following software localization best practices that deliver exceptional user experiences in any language.
Faster localization of software
Reuse your translation resources as effectively as possible during software localization. SDL Passolo is tightly integrated with SDL’s leading translation software: SDL Trados Studio; SDL MultiTerm and SDL’s translation management systems, giving you full access to existing translation assets and terminology glossaries.
Machine translation
Access MT engines such as SDL Language Cloud to leverage industry specific engines that can be combined with your own terminology.
Test your software in real-time and prevent globalization errors, such as hard-coded texts.
Visual localization
See software menus and dialogue boxes in the same view as when the software is running via the WYSIWYG editor in SDL Passolo.
Sophisticated project management
Take control of software localization projects and improve communication and collaboration between translators, reviewers and engineers by leveraging comprehensive project management. SDL Passolo also supports agile development processes such as Scrum. And with SDL Passolo Collaboration edition, you can instantly incorporate updates from your development cycle into your localization projects to reduce the workload on localization managers and translators and keep projects up to date.
Code protection
Protect your source code from bugs during the translation process through automated version control, proper permissions and better process management.
Smarter sprints cycles
Achieve greater efficiency and faster time to market by running localization processes in parallel with agile development cycles and as part of programming sprints.
Visibility and control
Maintain a complete picture of any project by analyzing user edit histories and stay in control with smart user and task management.
QA checking
Deliver more accurate and consistent software in multiple languages with extensive quality controls, automated workflows and modern translation management tools.
User interface checks
Perform user interface checks to find truncated text, overlapping control elements and missing or inconsistent access keys.
Technical consistency checks
Find missing translations, monitor the correct usage of tab and space characters and indicate whether incorrect characters have been used in the target code.
Linguistic consistency checks
Monitor the correct usage of specified terminology. Find prohibited words and forbidden terms in the translation and inconsistencies across the reoccurring text entries.
Extensive compatibility
Enable easier localization of any graphical user interface for mobile applications, on-premise or SaaS software products, consumer electronics and engineering machines with an extensive range of file formats that stay compatible with the latest Microsoft technology, file filters and languages.
Customization and integration
Build your own ideal software localization environment by developing add-ins using the SDL Passolo Software Development Kit or downloading third party add-ins. SDL Passolo can also be automated via the command line and integrated into a build server environment, while the COM object model and the integrated development environment allow for the automation of recurring tasks or complete integration with external systems.
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