
Switch Galaxy Ultra-SKIDROW

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同原版游戏,PlayStation Mobile上的《极速空间:星系(Switch Galaxy)》一样,《极速空间:星系 终极版(Switch Galaxy Ultra)》是一款街机风格的竞速游戏。开发商Atomicom称新版游戏重新设计了操作界面和菜单,有新的特性和关卡以及更多的船舰和升级要素。


Description: Switch Galaxy Ultra is an insanely addictive, fast-paced arcade challenge. Weave your way past obstacles and enemies as you travel across the galaxy collecting Tantalum for Dakur Technology. It’s loaded with content and features that will have you blazing across the galaxy at breakneck speeds.

Earn credits to spend on new ships and upgrades, hit speed-ups and collect power-ups to get record times. If that’s not enough try out the survival mode with one life and infinity in front of you, how long can you last?


• Truly exhilarating high-speed gameplay
• 6 stunning vehicles, fully upgradable
• 55 challenging levels
• Episodic Comic designed by original WipeOut concept artist Darren Douglas
• Cities designed by WipeOut co-creator Jim Bowers

Publisher: Green Man Loaded
Developer: Atomicom Limited
Genre: Action, Indie, Racing

Release name: Switch.Galaxy.Ultra-SKIDROW
Size: 1.01 GB

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