
911 Operator-SKIDROW

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《911接线员(911 Operator)》是Jutsu Games制作的一款以纽约911报警热线为题材的模拟经营游戏。玩家在游戏中扮演的是接线员的角色,每一天都将面对各种各样的紧急事件,玩家不仅要接听这些事件,更是要调度专门人员去处理这些事件。还在等什么呢?赶快加入游戏体验一下吧!


In 911 OPERATOR, you take on the role of an emergency dispatcher, who has to rapidly deal with the incoming reports. Your task is not just to pick up the calls, but also to react appropriately to the situation – sometimes giving first aid instructions is enough, at other times a police, fire department or paramedics’ intervention is a necessity. Keep in mind, that the person on the other side of the line might turn out to be a dying daughter’s father, an unpredictable terrorist, or just a prankster. Can you handle all of this?

Check out thousands of cities from all around the world. The Free Play mode lets you choose a city to play on – the game will download its map, along with real streets, addresses and the emergency infrastructure. You can also try the Career mode, which contains 6 cities with unique events – survive an earthquake in San Francisco and save Washington, D.C. from bomb attacks.

A number of police, fire department and paramedic units are at your disposal. The forces may use a variety of vehicles (from common ambulances to police helicopters), essential equipment (e.g., bulletproof vests, first aid kits and technical tools) and consist of team members with different abilities.


  • Over 50 recorded dialogues inspired by real calls: serious and dramatic, but sometimes also funny or annoying.
  • Real First Aid instructions.
  • Oppurtinity to play on any city in the world!
  • 6 selected cities in Career mode, featuring unique calls and events.
  • More than 140 types of reports to encounter.
  • 12 types of emergency vehicles (including helicopters, police cars and motorcycles).

Publisher: PlayWay S.A.
Developer: Jutsu Games
Genre: Casual, Indie, Simulation, Strategy

Release name: 911.Operator-SKIDROW
Size 354MB
Links: SteamNFO

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