
Nero 2017 Platinum 18.0.08400 Multilingual + Content Pack

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Nero 2017 Platinum v18.0.06100 Multilanguage + Content Pack

Nero 2017 铂金版 – 您数字生活的最佳选择!

想让光盘和文件更安全,视频编辑更迅捷,操作也更为简单吗?这一切您都可以拥有!“Nero 2017 铂金版”以公认的方式实现了这一切,其凭借最高的质量、全新和全面的功能、强大的技术和数字化学习辅助工具,更好的为您的数字任务提供支持。



通过新版 Nero 快速入门指南,您将能够最直观的了解到“Nero 2017 铂金版”究竟为您带来了哪些乐趣,而且您转眼间就能够充分了解其最重要的任务。后续的详细内容了解起来也同样的快速:无论是音频 CD、DVD 或蓝光光盘™,使用成熟的 Nero 技术都能够复制和刻录照片、视频、音乐和数据,以实现长期保存的目的。如果您想具有全面的安全性,SecurDisc 4.0 则提供了密码保护和 256 位加密功能,只要您没有同意,任何人都无法读取!



为了让您的多媒体文件达到最佳效果并极具创意,最新的“Nero 2017 铂金版”为您提供了多种方式。您现在还可以导入高品质的 HEVC (H.265) 影像,或将 4K 和高清电影从智能手机、数码相机和摄像机上传到电脑上。凭借特级或高级的视频编辑功能,您一定会牢牢吸引住您的观众,其提供了 4K 电影模板和 800 多种极佳的效果。您可以一次性将一部长电影中的各个场景导出。让您的 DVD 视频 ™ 和蓝光光盘 ™ 拥有高品质设计的菜单,便于您有针对性的跳转到所需的场景,使用 Nero CoverDesigner 还可以按照您的品味设计封套,并享受最高输出质量的电影和音乐。现在还缺少什么?流行元素!



将属于同一系列的整合在一起:可以导入所有格式,甚至是高品质 HEVC (H.265) 格式,并可以将其转换为任何您需要的格式。翻录视频 DVD*、AVCHD* 和蓝光光盘 ™*,并可以方便的在新项目中继续使用这些文件。使用 1 键转换,可以将音频 CD 直接传输到您所连接的移动设备上。所以,Nero 将自动确保以最为简单的方式进行转换,同时还能够保证最佳的声音效果。



打开扬声器,架起荧幕:Nero MediaHome 不仅可以快速找到和播放照片、带字幕的视频和音乐,还能够通过经优化的 App 应用程序 Nero MediaHome WiFi Sync 从您的移动设备快速导入,几乎可以传输到任何设备上 – 无论 iOS – 或安卓智能手机和平板电脑都可以!您可以播放几乎所有音频和视频格式,甚至是 4K (Ultra HD) 和高品质 HEVC。因为有了 Gracenote® 连接,所以您可以在您的移动终端设备上根据专辑封面搜索音乐名称,而且播放时将为您带来更多的乐趣和享受。通过音乐录音机将使您的音乐收藏更加丰富,您可以完全合法的从几千个网络电台录下 MP3 音乐。这听起来不错吧!

Nero 2017 Platinum v18.x Multilanguage + Content Pack | 312 / 764 MB

Looking for improved security for your discs and files, quicker video editing, and even greater ease of use? Let’s go for it! Nero 2017 Platinum provides you with top level quality you’ve come to expect, all new comprehensive features, powerful technology and digital tutorials to help you in your digital projects.

Simply greater security!
Start enjoying Nero 2017 Platinum intuitively with new Nero QuickStart and get to grips with the most important tasks in a breath. But that’s not all: Whether audio CD, DVD, or Blu-ray Disc™, you can copy and burn photos, videos, music, and data for the long term using reliable Nero technology. * And if you want maximum security, the new SecurDisc 4.0 provides password protection and 256-bit encryption so what happens on your PC stays on your PC!

Complete creativity for complete enthusiasm!
The latest version of Nero 2017 Platinum offers a variety of options for top-quality results and complete creativity for your multimedia files. Import high quality HEVC (H.265) clips or transfer 4K and HD videos to your computer from smartphones, digital cameras, and camcorders. Captivate your audience with express or advanced video editing using 4K video templates and more than 800 spectacular effects. Export individual scenes from long movies in one go. Add high quality, stylish menus to your DVD-Videos™ and Blu-ray Discs™ to allow you to jump straight to the scene you want, design sleeves to your taste with Nero CoverDesigner, and enjoy the highest-quality output for your music and videos. Did we miss anything? Oh yes – popcorn!

The entire range of formats!
Bring together what belongs together: Import all formats, including even high quality HEVC (H.256), and convert them to almost any format you need. Rip video DVDs*, AVCHD*, and Blu-ray Discs™* and simply reuse the files for new projects. With the 1-click conversion, you can send audio CDs directly to your connected mobile device. In the process, Nero automatically ensures the easiest conversion mode with the best sound.

Sit back and enjoy!
Turn on the speakers, set up the screen: Using Nero MediaHome, photos, videos with subtitles, and music can be found and played quickly. And with the optimized Nero MediaHome WiFi Sync App, they can be imported in a flash and sent to almost any device – whether iOS or Android smartphone, or tablet. Play all audio and video formats, including 4K (Ultra HD) and high quality HEVC. Thanks to the new Gracenote® connection, it’s now easier than ever to search through song titles on your mobile device with the help of the album covers. Expand your music collection with Music Recorder and legally record MP3s from thousands of Internet radio stations. Sounds awesome, doesn’t it?

– Windows® 7 SP1 Home Premium, Professional or Ultimate (32/64 bit), Windows® 8 (32/64 bit), Windows® 8.1 (32/64 bit), Windows® 10 (32/64 bit)

Home Page : http://www.nero.com

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