
ExeOne System Navigator 2014 Portable

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Exeone System Navigator 为您提供市场上最强大的文件管理系统之一。神奇的选项使您可以创建多个文件类型,删除文件,将它们复制使用剪贴板文件夹和分区之间移动,重命名文件在您的电脑,打印出选定的文件,创建最喜爱的文件位置的列表,比较它们的属性目录,装载磁盘映像文件,使他们可以浏览或烧录,通过System Navigator嵌入式文件刻录功能;提取文件档案,或者创建他们通过压缩所需的文件,使用流行的归档格式(ZIP ,RAR, 7Z和更多) ,大文件分割他们能适应在媒体上,并把它们合并,所有这些都是在几秒钟内为您提供。

 ExeOne System Navigator 2014 Portable | 20.6 MB

 A versatile file manager for Windows – System Navigator is the “file manager” perfected! It contains many features not found in similar products. It has an intuitive user interface that makes it easy-to-use and that’s a plus. It helps you manage your files, but it does SO much more. 

Key Features:
Dual panel interface with multiple tabs and optional tree view ExeOne System Navigator 2014
File tools providing numerous options for working with files 
Powerful file selection and renaming tools 
Directory comparision and synchronization 
System utilities and file sharing 
Easy access to system folders and control panel 
Archive tools and support for the most popular archiving formats 
Social networking interaction system 
Photo viewer and organizer with built-in image editing options 
Text viewer with syntax highlighting 
FTP/SFTP manager 
CD/DVD burner 
Driver level file, folder and drive protection 
Multipurpose media viewer that can show textual, video, internet or any other content associated with supported shell extensions 
Overview on files and folders and their space consumption 
Predefined, commonly used options for selected file, folder or media 
Advanced system information 
Skin support 

OS : Windows © XP, Server 2003, Server 2008, Vista, 7, 8 

Language : English

Home Page – http://exeone.com/

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