IDV, Inc has released 8.1.4b4 version of SpeedTree for UE4 Subscription, is monthly subscription modeler with a direct pipeline to UE4 for editing SpeedTrees from the store or creating from scratch.
Speedtree 8 for UE4
– PBR Materials and Workflow- Full PBR rendering in the SpeedTree Modeler as well as new editing tools for materials allow artists to fine tune their models before exporting into UE4.19+.
– New Auto-LOD- New Intelligent method of LOD generation allows incredibly quick optimizations with the press of a button.
– Parent Extensions- Extend your branches into the child branch, meaning limbs naturally extend to points, rather than nubs.
– Phyllotaxy Generation Algorithm- New generation algorithm based on how leaves naturally grow on branches.
– Mesh Cutout System- Easily cut meshes to the shape of your leaf or cluster using our new mesh editor.
– Spine Noise- New property applies late or early noise along the length of the branch or trunk.
– Bifurcation Generation Algorithm- New Branch algorithm automatically adds new child branches to create natural organic branch structures incredibly quickly.
– Leaf Collision- New tool to automatically remove intersecting leaves or clusters.
– Knot Generator- Completely refigured geometry for knots allows for more interesting gashes, knots, and scars.
– Material Sets- Materials can be grouped into sets to allow edits across multiple leaf types or bark textures.
– Discrete Season Approach- One .SPM model now uses a season curve to create unique trees at any point in the year.
– Faster AO Computation
– Interval Generation Algorithm- New algorithm that places branches in a set interval.
– Aspect Ratio Correct Mapping-Textures wrap correctly, avoiding unsightly stretched textures.
– Knockout- Automatically remove interior colliding branches to simplify structure.
– New Split feature- Split replaces bifurcation, offering more natural split trees with wrapped textures.
– Shape Control- Extend branches to a certain diameter sphere, allowing you to create “broccoli” tree structures.
– Pruning- Automatically and intelligently reduce the number of branches across the tree.
– Decoration Generators- New “Fin” generator allows addition of more shelf fungus and more.
– New Variance Models
– Ancestor Gravity- New force applied per generator that applies gravity relative to it’s parent.
– Shell Geometry- Create more interesting trunks or stumps with the new Shell Geometry generator.
– Art Director Tool- Allows intuitive shaping of the tree, whether shaping entire branch levels or a single twig.
About Speedtree for UE4. Like the last generation, Unreal Engine is becoming one of the biggest and most used engines to power games. The difference this time around is that it’s far more accessible to indie developers, a scene that has bloomed over the last of years. Well it looks like things are becoming even simpler as leading vegetation generator, SpeedTree, will be joining in.
SpeedTree is bringing their award-winning middleware to Unreal Engine 4.x. For the low subscription fee of $19 a month (with no royalties), developers and enthusiasts will be able gain access to SpeedTree’s editing toolset.
This application accessible through Unreal Engine 4.x and forward, and features lightmap generation, scalable wind effects, foliage painting, seamless LOD transitions, one-click variations, and much more. Of course, if you don’t want to go through the trouble of creating your own vegetation, SpeedTree also has their own pre-made models available for purchase ranging from $21 to $39
About IDV, Inc. Interactive Data Visualization, Inc. (IDV) develops software products with a focus on both off-line and real-time 3D applications for the game development, visual simulation, engineering visualization, and animation industries. A privately held corporation, IDV was founded in 2000 in Columbia, South Carolina by Chris King and Michael Sechrest, both Computer Engineering program graduates of the University of South Carolina. After initially providing simulation and visualization software services for DOD programs, IDV gradually expanded by providing similar services to private sector clients and major defense contractors.
Product: Speedtree for UE4
Version: 8.1.4b4 Subscription
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : https://store.speedtree.com/
Language: english
System Requirements: PC
Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7even or newer
Compatibility: SpeedTree 8 is only compatible with UE4.19 or later.
Size: 374.4 mb
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