
The Wolf Among Us Episode 2-CODEX

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TellTale新作《我们身边的狼》第一章将于本周五10月11日正式登陆Xbox 360和PC。Telltale表示PS3将在以后择日发售。

《我们身边的狼》中,玩家将扮演Bigby警长,在纽约城Fabletown城区巡逻。本作也将分五章进行,根据Bill Willingham的《成年人童话》漫画改编,许多童话故事中的人物都在本作中出现。

《我们身边的狼》每章售价4.99美元,Xbox Live上后面四章的季卡售价14.99美元。周五之前在Steam上预购全五章可享九折优惠(22.49美元)



Episode 1: Faith 
Episode 2: Smoke and Mirrors 
Episode 3: A Crooked Mile 
Episode 4: In Sheep’s Clothing 
Episode 5: Cry Wolf

CODEX released Episode 2 of The Wolf Among Us for PC.

Description: The Wolf Among Us takes place prior to the comics and lets players take on the role of Bigby Wolf (The Big Bad Wolf), who has been exiled to New York City. The game follows Wolf as he tries to keep fairy tale characters including Mr. Toad and the Three Little Pigs undetected in our world.


  • From the team that brought you 2012 Game of the Year, The Walking Dead
  • Based on the Eisner Award-winning Fables comic book series
  • Now, it’s not only WHAT you choose to do that will affect your story, but WHEN you choose to do it
  • A mature and gritty take on characters from fairytales, legends and folklore who have escaped into our world
  • A perfect place to begin your Fables journey, even if you’ve not read the comics; this game is set before the events seen in the first issue

Developer: Telltale Games
Publisher: Telltale Games
Genre: Adventure
Release name: The.Wolf.Among.Us.Episode.2-CODEX
Size: 2.1GB
Links: Homepage

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The.Wolf.Among.Us.Episode.2-CODEX.part1.rar: http://www.t00y.com/file/56152671
The.Wolf.Among.Us.Episode.2-CODEX.part2.rar: http://www.t00y.com/file/56152672
The.Wolf.Among.Us.Episode.2-CODEX.part3.rar: http://www.t00y.com/file/56152673

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