AtomKraft为表情开发,光照以及渲染技术提供一整套工具,力求将需要返回3D软件进行属性更改的情况降到最低。不像The Foundry的Katana软件,AtomKraft有它自己的内置渲染引擎(基于DNA Research的3Delight),它可以直接在Nuke软件中实现集成。
AtomKraft is the interactive 3D toolkit for digital matte painting & compositing. Create high-quality set extensions with camera mappings featuring reflections & shadows. Generate 3D environments with displacements, minimize the need of `going back to 3D` by loading assets such as: Alembic Procedurals, Houdini GEO, Cortex Procedurals, RenderMan RIB, RenderMan RSL Shaders, Wavefront OBJs. Develop your looks with realistic materials. Setup environment lighting & global illumination. Render boosting your speed and image quality to new levels with unmatched 3D motion blur and depth of field.
With AtomKraft you can do all this while staying comfortably within Nuke/NukeX.
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