
Runtime GetDataBack Simple 1.0 Portable

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Runtime GetDataBack Simple 2014 1.0
GetDataBack Simple是一个Windows文件系统的数据恢复工具,主要特点有:
1 进行了完全重新的设计编写。以往有FAT和NTFS两个版本,用户进行数据还原前要进行判断,非常不方便。现在就不用管文件系统是FAT还是NTFS,已经融合在一起了。同时采用了四级复杂度,可以自动获取最好的还原结果。
2 功能不局限于文件恢复或系统还原。能够对付的情况有:硬盘驱动器的关键数据结构(分区表、引导记录、FAT/MFT、根目录)丢失或破坏、病毒攻击、驱动器格式化或分区、电源掉电造成的系统崩溃、软件错误造成的文件丢失、文件意外删除,甚至有些不能被Windows识别的驱动器也能处理(前提是硬件或BIOS要能识别)。支持硬盘、SSD固态硬盘、闪存卡、U盘等设备。
3 安全、简洁、快速。所有文件和文件夹都按照原始存储方式进行组织,原始文件名也能正确标注上。四级复杂度算法可以最大可能地恢复文件。此工具以只读方式对原始介质进行操作,不会往原始介质写入任何数据,普通用户可以放心操作。第一级复杂度可以在数分钟甚至数秒就获取恢复的数据。恢复数据的复制速度,也和一般文件复制的速度一样快。

Runtime GetDataBack Simple 1.0 Portable | 4.9 MB

GetDataBack Simple is a completely redesigned and rewritten Data Recovery solution for Windows file systems. Our developers have combined decades of data recovery experience with the newest technologies. 

GetDataBack Simple is a completely redesigned and rewritten Data Recovery solution for Windows file systems. Our developers have combined decades of data recovery experience with the newest technologies. GetDataBack Simple combines recovery capabilities for FAT and NTFS. You do not need to find out beforehand which files system your drive was formatted with. GetDataBack Simple’s recovery engine internally uses four distinguished sophistication levels that automatically escalate until good results have been achieved.

GetDataBack is more than an undelete or file recovery program or a system restore.
GetDataBack Simple will recover your data if the hard drive’s partition table, boot record, FAT/MFT or root directory are lost or damaged, data was lost due to a virus attack, the drive was formatted or re-partitioned, a power failure has caused a system crash, files were lost due to a software failure, or files were accidentally deleted. GetDataBack Simple can even recover your data when the drive is no longer recognized by Windows. GetDataBack Simple works on hard drives, SSD, flash card, USB sticks, etc.

Get everything back, the safe, easy, and fast way
Advanced algorithms make sure that all files and directories are put together as they were, and that file names are reconstructed correctly. GetDataBack employs a number of approaches to your data, depending on the actual condition of your drive. Four different escalating sophistication levels ensure your files are recovered.

GetDataBack is read-only, meaning the program will not attempt to “fix” or write to the drive you are about to recover. GetDataBack Simple’s user interface is so simple, it enables even the most inexperienced users to conduct their own data recovery with just one click.

GetDataBack Simple not only recovers you data. It does it quick. The first sophistication levels recover large drives in seconds or minutes. The speed of copying the recovered data to another medium competes with the speed of regular file copy operations. 

OS : Windows Server 2003, 2008, 2012, XP, Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8, 32 or 64-bit 
Language : English

Home Page – https://www.runtime.org/

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