Path Too Long Pro, 顾名思义,是在 Windows 下对那些超长的文件名或者文件夹名进行复制,改名以及删除操作的工具,如果你操作某些文件遇到 1320 错误,或许用它可以解决。使用很简单,在工具界面浏览至你需要操作的文件或者文件夹即可。这个工具也可以用来解决那些由于系统锁定或者恶意软件导致的某些文件不能操作的问题,这些顽固的文件/文件夹也可能是病毒/广告软件/苹果的操作系统等产生的。通常你在 Windows 下很难访问这些文件,进更别说复制和删除它们了,有了 Path Too Long Pro 这个工具,一切迎刃而解!
Path Too Long PRO 工具的主要功能:
允许你复制,改名和删除超过 260 个字符的文件/文件夹
如果你在使用 Windows 的过程中,曾经看到过这些提示/警告信息:
错误 1320. 指定的路径太长
不能删除文件: “访问被拒绝”.
这时候 Path Too Long Pro 就可以帮上大忙了,它可以找出锁定这些文件的程序,并且阻止这些程序对文件操作的锁定。
Path Too Long Tool PRO 2.0 | 1.0 MB
Path Too Long PRO Windows tool to copy, rename or delete files and folders with path too long or 1320 error. To handle the problem just browse to the file and press a button to copy or detele it! This useful tool solves the problem with inability to copy, rename and delete files and folders which were locked by Windows or probably some malware. Such kind of files and folders could be created by virus / adware / Mac OS / other software. Generaly it is impossible to access such files under Windows and so you can’t copy or delete them either. Use Path Too Long PRO utility to clean up long named and locked files.
Vital features of the Path Too Long PRO tool:
Alows to copy, rename and delete files that have destination path longer then 260 characters.
Alows to copy, rename and delete files that has trailing spaces or trailing dots in its name.
Allows to delete locked files and folders
If you have ever received a message from Windows system like:
Path is too long
Cannot delete file path too long
Filename’s too long
File name is too long to delete
File path too long
Path too deep.
Error 1320. The specified path is too long
Cannot delete file: “Access is denied”.
There has been a sharing violation.
The source or destination file may be in use.
The file is in use by another program or user.
Make sure the disk is not full or write-protected and that the file is not currently in use.
Error Deleting File or Folder
Cannot delete file or folder. The file name you specified is not valid or too long. Specify a different file name.
and if you are going to to delete, move or rename a such kind of file, then Path Too Long PRO software will be definitely helpful.
Path Too Long PRO identifies the processes (running applications) that have locked that file, preventing it from being deleted, moved or renamed.
Keywords: path too long, filenames too long, the specified path is too long, file name is too long to delete, destination path too long, error 1320 the path is too long, error 1320 the specified path is too long, error 1320
OS : Windows XP / 2k / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8
Language : English
Home Page – http://www.pathtoolong.com/
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