
MultiBoot 2k10 DVD/USB/HDD v.5.4 (2014/ENG/RUS)

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 MultiBoot 2k10 DVD/USB/HDD v.5.4 (2014/ENG/RUS)  | 2.53 Gb

Multiboot disk system administrator based on the loader Grub4Dos v.0.4.5c. The CD consists of a large number of products, PhD, a shell with vozmozhnost boot c CD / DVD, USB Flash Drive, USB-HDD and conventional HDD. The main purpose – preparing HDD, OS installation ( with the possibility of installing Win 2000/XP/2003/Vista/7 – Utilities WinNtSetup, installation packages in an assembly are not included !) , Creation / deployment system images, restore / copy data , resuscitation of the operating system and recovery boot , clearing the OS from viruses / trojans and blockers / pornobannerov , testing the basic components of MS, and more.

There is a support network vozmozhnost to the Internet and multimedia support (all builds ) . There vozmozhnostyu use most programs of the assembly as a ” portable ” ( fully portable , they are not , it’s just self-extracting into a marketing – TEMP directory with autoenrollment) and convenient way to connect a software package assembly for use in a conventional operating system or other PE builds.

The composition of the boot menu :
1. C9PE MultiMedia 2k10 Native Edition
02. C9PE MultiMedia 2k10 Plus Pack
03. WinPE 7×86 Live (@ Xemom1) Native Edition
04. WinPE 7×86 Live (@ Xemom1) Special Edition 2k10
05. WinPE 7×64 Live (@ Xemom1) Special Edition 2k10
06. WinPE 8×86 Live (@ Xemom1) Native Edition
07. WinPE 8×86 Live (@ Xemom1) Special Edition 2k10 MultiMedia
08. WinPE 8×64 Live (@ Xemom1) Special Edition 2k10 MultiMedia
09. Parted Magic 2014.01.04 / Linux Live-CD /
10 . DOS- version of Hiren’s Boot CD 15.2 (rus)
11. Big set of various DOS- utilities and much more … see the boot menu in the screenshots .

~ List of Windows-based programs in version 5.4:


~ Brief description of assemblies:
1. C9PE Multimedia 2k10 Plus Pack, build on 2003 Server, the core MS-Explorer with network support, and SCSI / SATA- devices and optional support for other devices (video / audio / … ) . Support for new devices can be added using external drivers (folder DriverPacks). Download time with a stick ( USB2.0 mode or podgruzhenny PLOP) ~ 40sec . , With CD-Rom ~ 1min. Minimum requirements – 128MB of RAM ( Naito – mode) or 192MB (RAM- mode) , complete work on 512MB . In both versions, you can use external download the drivers for storage controllers : SRS – minimum drayverpak (only SATA) and DPMS – full drayverpak ( even includes driver USB3, which may be useful in the Naito – boot mode ) . Connecting drayverpakov organized scripts , using them to create the virtual floppik with a suitable driver ( if found in the package) , as well as a floppy script will be created in the process of automatic installation of drivers to load the assembly file ( txtsetup.oem). Use SRS and DPMS can not only when the assembly C9PE, but when you download other assemblies based XP/2003 … and even to integrate the drivers in the proper OS (if the browser after use SRS / DPMS perform “Start NTLDR from HDD” from the menu Grub4Dos.
Total turns 6 boot options C9PE: Naito mode without drayverpaketa with SRS, with DPMS. And likewise – for RAM- boot mode .

2 . Special edition WinPE 7×86 Live (@ Xemom1), with the classic interface (MS Explorer + Classic Shell) and network support and multimedia. Unlocked support PAE (which allows up to 128GB of RAM ) . Used a new version of reloading legkoobnovlyaemy drayverpakov SCSI/SATA/Raid/USB3. Minimum requirements – from 512MB ( swap file in this version work almost all programs except Kaspersky ) . At the core of embedded MS-DaRT 7.0 ( rus.lokalizatsiya ) to restore the fallen 7-ki , also has full-time restore function W7. You can also install 7-ki classical way ( with CD-ROM or from a folder on any drive SOURCES ), ie , W7PE can completely replace the PE installer seven . You can also install any version of Windows from 2000 to 2008 from any carrier / folders using WinNtsetup.

3 . Special edition WinPE 7×64 Live (@ Xemom1), on the core MS-Explorer with the classic interface , and network support, and SCSI/SATA/Raid/USB3-ustroystv (new version legkoobnovlyaemy reloading drayverpakov SCSI / SATA / Raid / USB 3.0). Network support for network cards running Realtek – immediately after the start of the PE for the rest – after installing the drivers from the package folder DriverPacks. There is support for multimedia. Minimum requirements – from 768MB . Embedded MS-DaRT 7.0 ( rus.lokalizatsiya , x64) to restore the fallen 7×64 , also has full-time restore function W7. This assembly supports boot mode UEFI.

4 . Special edition WinPE 8×86 Live (@ Xemom1), with the classic interface (MS Explorer + Classic Shell), network support and multimedia. Unlocked support PAE (which allows up to 128GB of RAM ) . The new OS has naitivnoy USB 3.0 support and a set of drivers SCSI / SATA / Raid. Minimum requirements – from about 768MB , relatively new processors . There are Russian MS-DaRT 8.0.1 x86 ( brought outside the kernel is loaded , if necessary ) to restore the 8 -ki, also has full-time restore function W8. You can set how 7/8-ki classical way ( with CD-ROM or from a folder on any drive SOURCES ) , and with the help of the program WinNtsetup.

5 . Special edition WinPE 8×64 Live (@ Xemom1), with the classic interface (MS Explorer + Classic Shell), network support and multimedia. The new OS has naitivnoy USB 3.0 support and a set of drivers SCSI / SATA / Raid. Minimum requirements – from about 1024MB , relatively new processors ( virtualization ) . There are Russian MS-DaRT 8.0.1 x64 ( brought outside the kernel is loaded , if necessary ) to restore the 8 -ki, also has full-time restore function W8. You can set how 7/8-ki classical way ( with CD-ROM or from a folder on any drive SOURCES ) , and with the help of the program WinNtsetup2. This assembly supports boot mode UEFI.

7. Bootable LiveCD / Linux / Parted Magic. Allows you to perform various operations on partitions and supports a large number of file systems. In total, the PMagic includes 70 different tools . There is support for network / Internet , multimedia. Requirements for memory – 256MB of .

All assemblies have different driver packages to connect SCSI / SATA / Raid- disks , in case of failure of one can try to load another assembly . Separately, I note that the assembly 7-ke able to connect the drive controller driver after loading PE.

~ Using CD-Loader (FDD-Loader):
[spoiler] CD-Loader ( included in the distribution ) is designed to cut into mikrobolvanku (eg, ” business card ” , or MiniDisc 210Mb ) or for use on CD- section stick , size 1.3 MB. In particularly difficult situations (no CD-Rom, USB- ports) can even be used HDD. Problem loader – run anyway assembly on a flash drive (or HDD). You can also test the ‘ live ‘ new assembly , for example STEA – unzipped folder from the assembly to any section ( section can screw ) in the root of the drive , booted loader and test , it does not need to put the assembly on a USB flash drive or to bother with connecting to another newbie assembly. FDD-Loader performs exactly the same problem , only meant for a floppy drive or FDD- section of the stick.

Launch options loader assembly on a flash drive :
1. Manager Plop ( select Bootable Media ) . Unfortunately, not always work.
2 . There is an opportunity to find and immediately run the OS loader (NTLDR and BOOTMGR), or booting from MBR ( bust HDD).
3 . Find and run the boot GRLDR ( or GRUBLDR) assembly ( options for different assemblies , including 2k10).
4 . Find and run the boot Syslinux / Isolinux.
5 . To boot from any available in the carrier system (optional) .
6. In addition, the added low-level memory tests (Memtest86 +, VMTCE), password reset Kon-Boot and test iron HDT. The latter, incidentally , is remarkable in that it shows the prescribed VESA- resolution vidyahi (ie , in practice , only those permissions can be set in the assembly without the video driver … or for Linux-based applications).
In an unsuccessful attempt to start the menu will return to the loader . Plus download the Rough – that way you can boot even if the partition is inactive / non-bootable , ie , if the assembly is simply unpacked on any partition ( the root directory ) .

Primary boot loader is boot from the XP installation CD , and he immediately loads Grldr ( loader Grub4Dos). Loader options are slightly different : standard CD-Loader is loaded as a normal CD (ie , when to take it – the loader stop working ), RAM- loader version of the CD loads into memory and floppy image works entirely from memory ( ie . , with CD loader can be removed after boot). FDD- mode can be used for recording on floppik (or , if applicable FDD emulation for flash – used as a way to fill ) . Usually to fill in section CD- stick better suited CD + RAM- loader option , but for different controllers flash drives can be nuances – if not approached one option , try an alternative .

Variants of using a loader :
1. “Iron” does not support booting from a USB drive , but there is a USB- port .
2 . No USB ( burned / missing), but it is possible to fill in on the screw decompress the assembly (through a network , connected or screw ) . The medium itself with the assembly , there may be non-bootable (ie , the assembly just unpacked to the root ) .
3 . Want to test a new build live, but do not want to install it on a flash drive instead of the current one.

Additional Information:
So , you can:
a) Save the image loader on CD (as is) .
b) Use the image to fill the loader on CD- section of the stick ( if such can be created using special tools ) . In this case a normal partition of the same stick nominally set assembly . Read more about CD- section on flash Briefly : Windows does not work with partitions on the flash drive (ie , to create two partitions on the flash drive is possible, but Windows will “see” only one of them ) . But controllers flash drives can be configured to emulate a hardware CD- section , which ” poured ” image CD- ROM. After this operation the flash drive in the system is available as two devices : USB-CDRom ( with loaded properly) and an ordinary partition . This option allows you to boot without problems on PCs, where none of the usual stick impossible ( to boot from USB-CDRom, as a rule, are everywhere ) . The operation itself to change the stick rather difficult and is recommended only for those who know what to do. In principle , on CD- section can immediately fill the image Multiboot 2k10 ( or micro) , and this has its advantages – for example, the assembly will be invulnerable to viruses and can be downloaded anywhere. But also significant disadvantages – if you update the assembly will have to rebuild from scratch each time sections . Yes and antivirus on CD- section is not updated. So, I think it is more convenient to use this loader – it can be used with different assemblies in the usual section of the stick ( or on the screw , CD / DVD), just updating them if necessary without changing the CD- section .
c) Use the image on the primary boot loader section of the screw , pre- prepare it for the boot Grub4Dos.
Along the way, showed an interesting option of using the loader – it can be convenient to test assembly , not tinkering with the boot flash . Just unpack the assembly on any section ( section can screw ) in the root directory . If an assembly with a “classic ” GRLDR menu.lst or radically – it can be run directly loaders , selecting the appropriate menu item. To exclude downloading the “wrong ” assembly ( already installed on a flash drive , for example) , you need to select an item that is not compatible with the installed and compatible with the test . For example, with the loader installed Micra GRLDR radically. So you have to choose to boot from menu.lst in the root (if needed – just copy the pre- test menu in the root of the assembly with the same name ) .

Practical recommendations for the use of the loader .

Note . Numbering media / always starts with 0 , ie first partition of the first HDD – is (hd0, 0) / .
Number of the current carrier ( the one from which the loader is loaded or assembly at the moment) is indicated in the header of the main menu Grub4Dos, after the name of the assembly. This will navigate the transitions between different carriers. Ie , it is possible to boot from the CD and go to a flash drive , and then load the assembly from the HDD … and then return to the compact . Normally loaded from the stick or screw assembly should be presented as hd0, x.

1. Start Boot-manager PLOP
Start download manager Plop, which allows you to select a device to boot . In addition, the download speeds with USB on some computers ( that do not support boot mode USB 2.0). When you start with the FDD / CD can be used to initiate the USB-boot (if the BIOS does not have this option ) . Works , unfortunately, not all versions of Bios, can ” hang ” the PC. But at the moment it’s the only way I know to ” turn on ” USB 2.0 at boot ( if he Bios it does not) .

2 . Start NTLDR from HDD (Windows XP/2000/2003)
Designed to search for the boot loader and Windows XP/2000/2003 from the hard disk . If the boot loader is found, drive with him becoming the first / (hd0) in Linux- numbering / and control is passed to NTLDR.

3 . Start BOOTMGR from HDD (Windows 7/Vista)
Designed to search for the boot loader and Windows 7 (Vista / 8) from the hard disk . If the boot loader is found, drive with him becoming the first / (hd0) in Linux- numbering / and control is passed BOOTMGR. If BCD boot menu to run multiple operating systems registered , it is possible to run them as well.
Note: * 5

4 . Load MultiBoot / SV-Micro 2k10
Loader will search Grub4Dos assemblies 2k10 ( file 2k10/Grub4Dos/Grldr) on all available drives ( flash / HDD / CD / DVD). If the loader assembly is detected, it will be launched . This option also allows you to run a build just unpacked to the root of any section of the HDD, regardless of the activity of the partition and its boot loader (ie , you can , for example , extract the assembly section with the OS and run under the loader assembly of this section).
Note: * 1 , * 2 , * 3

5 . Load MultiBoot / SV-Micro 2k10
Will search the file / 2k10/syslinux/syslinux.cfg ( Syslinux menu assemblies 2k10) on all available drives ( flash / HDD / CD / DVD). After detecting the main menu will be launched this media downloader (Syslinux, Isolinux or Grub4Dos, depending on the version of the assembly).
Note: 1 *, 2 * , 3 * , 4 *

6. Load main Grub4Dos loader
Search the root of all carriers loader Grub4Dos ( file / GRLDR) and run it . Intended to run assemblies that have GRLDR loader is in the root directory . Should work with a large number of assemblies , such as : Azjio, Ieshua, LexLive, Sonya, SysTools5, VasAlex, 2k10 ( only version with Grub4Dos- loader ) .
Note: * 1 , * 2 , * 3

7. Load second Grub4Dos loader
Pocledovatelny search on all available drives and start Grub- boot assemblies STEA ( file Stea / Boot / Stldr), Ruslive (/ Grubldr), Hiren’s ( boot in HBCD / Grldr) and some other (Boot / Grldr, Boot/Grub4Dos/Grldr ) . Will be launched first found option. The search order is the order description .
Note: * 1 , * 3

8. Start drive with Grub4Dos menu
Search menu in the root medium Grub4Dos ( file / menu.lst) and run this disk. Will work with all builds , which is at the root menu of the disc. In contrast to the version with POSCO GRLDR loader will start the main disk. That is, if the menu.lst file is copied to the disk operating system, the OS will run and not Grub4Dos!!!
Note: * 1 , * 3 , * 4

9. Start Syslinux (search / ldlinux.sys include / Boot & / Syslinux)
Search bootloader Syslinux ( search order : / ldlinux.sys, Boot / ldlinux.sys, Syslinux / ldlinux.sys, Boot / syslinux / ldlinux.sys) and the start of the media. CD / DVD ignored. Will run the primary bootstrap support . Used to load various Linux- assemblies.
Note: * 1 , * 4

10 . Start Isolinux (search / isolinux.bin include / Boot & / Isolinux)
Search all loader Isolinux ( search order : / isolinux.bin, Boot / isolinux.bin, Isolinux / isolinux.bin, Boot / isolinux / isolinux.bin) and start the primary boot media. If you can not run your boot loader (eg , Grub4Dos can not run boot CD ! ) Is launched found isolinux.bin. Can be used to run different operating systems and Linux- assemblies ( on HDD isolinux.bin used only as a marker ! , On CD / DVD – to be launched ) .
Note: * 1 , * 2 , * 3

10 . Boot MBR of Hard Disk 1-2-3-4-5
Will attempt to boot from the active partition of the first HDD. If non-bootable disk , then – with the second, third , fourth and fifth . Sharing drives is not made, ie , Windows XP will boot only when he is on the first HDD ( to download it better to use a version with a direct indication of the disk) . OS Vista/7/8/Linux be loaded .
Note: * 5

11. Boot MBR of Hard Disk 5-4-3-2-1
Will attempt to boot from the active partition fifth HDD. If non-bootable disk , then – with the fourth , third, second and first . Sharing drives is not made, ie , Windows XP will boot only when he is on the first HDD ( to download it better to use a version with a direct indication of the disk) . OS Vista/7/8/Linux be loaded .
Note: * 5

12. Boot any HDD & Partition
To boot from the disk . Depending on the indication , load of the master boot record ( valid for all carriers) , or only the desired section of media ( from PBR, only for HDD and flash drives, translated mode HDD). Unlike in the name : cd0 or hd0, 1 (the last digit after the decimal point indicates the section used Linux- numbering – ie , 0 ) . Before downloading held “exchange” on disk hd0 ( This does not work with a floppy and compact fd cd) and loading of the disc. If you specify a particular section – then will be downloaded from the section . If the disc is incorrect, the menu is restored . If it is true , and the disk is boot – boot from drive ( for CD / DVD can not be guaranteed ) . Before running is a listing of all available carriers for the system , if you press ‘Enter’ without input or ‘Esc’ – exit back to the menu without loading .
Note: * 1 5 *

1 * For HDD and Flash ( mode HDD) options disk assembly with the assembly will be installed first / (hd0) /. For CD / DVD and Fdd ( or stick, to recognize in Bios as Fdd) disk will remain the same . Since WinRE based XP/2003 ” can not ” loaded from disk , differing from hd0/cd ( read error winnt.sif), PE- loading assemblies at the XP from flash drives (aka floppik ) impossible. PE- based assembly 7s should be run like (not tested !) Must also run a variety of DOS and Linux utilities .
For Option 2 * loader integrated into the assembly , the current drive ( of which, in fact , was loaded assembly) will be skipped when searching ( ignored ) .
3 * Priorities search ( descending ): HDD, Flash, CD / DVD, Fdd.
4 * You can use the file as a marker . Ie , put a dummy file ( content does not matter) , if necessary – in the specified path (for example , D: 2k10syslinuxsyslinux.cfg). Then using the boot option with the marker you can boot it from the “right ” disk (assuming that the marker does not repeat on other disks or in the assembly – otherwise it will be downloaded first disk found with a marker ) .
5 * Perhaps , Windows 7 starts with a non-activated load (depending on the method of activation ) .

Alternative methods of using the loader Grub4Dos using BootICE ( 2012) for flash drives / HDD:
1. Loader WEE. Placed fully in the MBR (PBR ignored) , occupies 63 sectors ( nestandartno! ) . There are built-in menu (you can edit at installation) , allows you to find and load NTLDR, BOOTMGR, GRLDR, … In connection with the non-standard is not recommended for universal flash , but very useful, for example , as a Boot- manager on the system drive .
2 . GRUB4DOS in the MBR (PBR ignored) , occupies 18 sectors ( nestandartno! ) . Immediately launches GRLDR. In connection with the non-standard is not recommended for universal stick.
3A. USB-HDD + in MBR, registration GRUB4DOS in PBR. Not a bad option , and put runs on most flash drives , especially suitable for FAT32.
3B. USB-HDD + in MBR, NTLDR residence in the PBR. When installing or rename boot rude in the root directory on the NTLDR, or specify the name of GRLDR at registration in PBR ( see picture) . Not a bad option , similar 3A.
3C. USB-HDD + in MBR, BOOTMGR residence in the PBR. When installing or rename boot rude in the root directory on the BOOTMGR, or specify the name of GRLDR ( or GRUBMGR assembly) when registration in PBR. Not a bad option , similar 3A.
4B. Windows NT 5.x MBR in MBR, NTLDR residence in the PBR. When installing or rename boot rude in the root directory on the NTLDR, or specify the name of GRLDR at registration in PBR ( see picture) . Good option for bootability on different hardware , but rarely on the stick works (depending on chip flash ?) , Especially under FAT32.
5C. Windows NT 6.x MBR in MBR, BOOTMGR residence in the PBR. When installing or rename boot rude in the root directory on the BOOTMGR, or specify the name of GRLDR ( or GRUBMGR assembly) when registration in PBR. A great option for bootability on different hardware , for some stick may not work under FAT32 ( depends on chip flash ?) . Implemented in batch file builds 2.6.0/2.6.1 .
My recommendation : for flash drives , unless you want to transfer files larger than 4GB try to install batch file , check the boot in MobaLive. If does not work – use NTFS + batch file or installation option using BootICE – 3C (3A, 3B – they are virtually identical ) to FAT32.

Version History :
18.02.2014 . Version 5.4 Work on the bugs …
1. ” Updated ” boot XorBoot ( menus , scripts, training stick ) back to the stable version 0.61 . In 2k10GRUB4DOSOTHER there are two versions XorBoot – 0.61 ( IMHO , stable ) and 0.68 ( new, but with glitches ) .
2 . Updated Paragon HDM 14 Premium to the last build v10.1.21.471 (Eng), DOS/Win32-versii .
3 . Updated some programs : SkyIAR (2.60, Russification Nexus), R-DriveImage (5.2.5209), UFS-Explorer (5.12.1), UltraISO (, and SiV, HWInfo32, FAR, OSF-Mount, UniExtract , uvs and base its hashes , Aida64Defraggler. Added ElcomSoft System Recovery ( recovery / password guessing OS for her treatment special thanks YURETS777).
4 . Updated the script to run BootIt Bare Metal menu rude updated “Extended loader 2k10” (LOADER.LST, adapted to new tasks ) . The menu also adds support for rude guest menu.
5 . Corrected menus assemblies.
6. Updated kernel builds. The most significant update in 7h86 (now assembly must not ” lose ” media if a large number of drivers installed MassStrorage/USB3) and S9RE . In 7h86/7h64 updated set of drivers in the kernel USB3 . Also slightly updated 8s .

System requirements :
Kompyuter with 128Mb RAM or higher (SV-Micro, for the rest of the assemblies look under spoiler ” Brief description of assembly “), CD / DVD drive or USB interface .

CRC32: D3375BBC
MD5: FBF571FF38FAC3714E6B4AE8A0BC7397
SHA- 1 : 73BA8A9D035513EF16EAED2DA1F284ABAF726091

Year : 2014
Name: Multiboot 2k10 DVD / USB / HDD
Developer : conty9
Language: English / Russian
Treatment: not required ( the installer is already disinfected )
Size : 2.53 Gb

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