
Mojosoft Photo Frame Studio 2.94 Multilanguage Portable

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Photo Frame Studio是一款帮助用户为他们喜爱的照片编辑和添加相框而设计的软件。软件自带了100多种制作的非常精美的相框供你使用,你只需要用鼠标拖动你的照片过去即可制作出专业相框效果的数码照片!同时你也可以在照片上添加文字等做些处理,一切都非常的方便和容易!

Photo Frame是一个照片框架制作软件。你可以很快很容易的给你的照片加上很酷的框架,自己设定尺寸,角度,颜色,文字,这些都可以批量完成。你可以打印出来或用e-mail发给你的朋友们。

Mojosoft Photo Frame Studio 2.94 Multilanguage Portable | 200 Mb

Program Photo Frame Studio has been designed to edit and decorate digital photographies. Thanks to the program each picture will look different and operating our program will be a real pleasure for you. We offer over 100 hundred frames and what is more, every one of them can be modified by the options which are contained in our program.

The inerface of the program is user-friendly and it has been designed in such a way that evryone can operate it without any problems. You can decorate your picture using a few instructions by means of adding to it a frame, a mask, the background, a shade or a text. Using all these functions and effects and taking into account the fact that we can use all the options simultaneously including the change of colour of each layer, the change of saturation and contrast, you can undoubtedly claim that each picture will be different. You can also design your own composition.

It can be done thanks to the tools which enable us to add various elements such as figures clip-parts or striking texts. You can also calibrate pictures, so you can cut them, zoom to the view that suits you and get rid of the red-eye effect. Thanks to the program you can print pictures using your printer as well as you can save ready photos in high quality mode in order to send them to photo-labs. Moreover, you can also save pictures in lower quality mode so that they can be published in the internet.

– operating jpg, bmp, wmf , png ,tiff and more graphic formats
– a dozen or so effects which can be used while working on all objects (text , image , backgrounds) for example: shadows, textures, sepia, gradients and others
– export to high resolution (300 DPI , 600 DPI) pdf,jpg,tiff,bmp graphics file
– the appearance of the interface can be changed
– support right to left languages (like arabic,hebrew)
– support unicode
– multilanguage support

Home Page – http://www.photoframestudio.com/photo-frame.php

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