
Ironclad Tactics Deluxe Edition Incl The Rise of Dmitry DLC Cracked-3DM

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 还记得非常优秀的益智游戏《太空化学(SpaceChem)》吗?这不开发者Zach和他的工作室准备带来一款新游戏,《铁甲战术(Ironclad Tactics)》。

《铁甲战术(Ironclad Tactics)》是一款即时的卡牌战斗游戏,背景设定在美国南北战争期间,类似于植物大战僵尸的横版战场,利用点数合理并巧妙地换取卡牌最终击败对手。


1. 战役的剧情将会以精美的插图配上互动画面的小说来展示给玩家

2. 玩家可以在战役收集不同的卡牌,并组建自己的牌堆

3. 可以跟朋友合作,或者对抗,有2种模式,分别为遭遇战和nemesis模式

 3DM has released “Ironclad Tactics Deluxe Edition” for PC. It also includes the newest DLC The Rise of Dmitry DLC!

Description: Explore the untold backstory of Dmitry in Ironclad Tactics’ first add-on campaign, Ironclad Tactics: The Rise of Dmitry. With eight new missions, including the six-stage “Fort Phantom Ridge” gauntlet mission, you’ll unlock up to eighteen new cards, including Dmitry’s fearsome army of transforming ironclads.

If you own the deluxe edition of Ironclad Tactics, you’ll find that The Rise of Dmitry is already installed and ready to play!

Key Features:

  • No microtransactions! Unlock cards by playing the game, not by purchasing them separately.
  • Experience unique gameplay, with rapid, simultaneous turns that blend the precision of tactics and card games with the spontaneity of fast-paced strategy games.
  • Follow the campaign story through a fully-illustrated, character-driven interactive graphic novel.
  • Collect cards as you play through the campaign and build your own decks to crush your foes.
  • Play with your friends in the co-op story campaign or against them in skirmish and nemesis modes.
  • Face off against online challengers in quick-skirmish mode, and unlock special cards when you win.

Genre: Casual, Indie, Strategy
Developer: Zachtronics
Publisher: Zachtronics

Release Name: Ironclad.Tactics.Deluxe.Edition.Incl.The.Rise.of.Dmitry.DLC.Cracked-3DM
Size: 323 MB
Links: Homepage

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