
Minitab x64 Multilingual

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Minitab软件,现代质量管理统计的领先者,自1972年创,是为质量改善、教育和研究应用领域提供统计软件和服务的先导。是一个很好的质量管理和质量设计的工具软件,更是持续质量改进的良好工具软件。 MINITAB 统计软件为质量改善和概率应用提供准确和易用的工具。MINITAB 被许多世界一流的公司所采用,包括通用电器、福特汽车、通用汽车、3M、霍尼韦尔、LG、东芝、诺基亚、以及 Six Sigma 顾问公司。作为统计学入门教育方面技术领先的软件包,MINITAB 也被 4,000 多所高等院校所采用。 MINITAB 总部位于State College,PA,USA(美国),在英国和法国设有办事处,在世界各地拥有分销商。MINITAB 包括: 基础和高级统计 回归和方差分析 时间序列 演示质量的图表 模拟和分布 灵活的数据导入、导出和操纵 SPC (Statistical Process Control – 统计过程控制) DOE (Design of Experiments – 试验设计) 可靠性分析 多变量分析 样本量和幂计算 强大的宏语言 。课程介绍 Minitab基础应用培训 实验设计(DOE) 统计过程控制 测量系统分析 假设检验 crystalball与蒙特卡洛分析培训

Minitab是一个软件集成包,由宾州州立大学的研究员Barbara F. Ryan, Thomas A. Ryan, Jr.,和Brian L. JoinerIt于1972年研发而成,最初以OMNITAB(由美国国家标准技术研究所编写的另一个统计分析软件)的简化本出现。


目前,Minitab的应用通常结合一些统计处理方法,如六标准差(Six Sigma), 能力成熟度模型集成(CMMI)等。

File Size: 184.4 MB

Minitab provides the tools you need to analyze data and find meaningful solutions to your toughest business problems. Take the work out of data prep with one-click import. Intuitive menu options to sort, stack, transpose, and quickly recode your data. Export graphs and output directly to Microsoft Word or PowerPoint to easily create presentations and share your results.

Descriptive and inferential statistics
Statistics that are easy to use even if your expertise is non-statistical. Easily identify distributions, correlations, outliers and missing values. Key statistical tests include: paired t-test, one and two proportion test, normality test, chi-square test, non-parametric tests.

Predictive analytics
Advanced analytics and machine learning techniques for a deeper dive into your data. Tools for logistic regression, factor analysis, cluster variables.

Graphical output that illustrates your findings; scatterplots, bubble plots, boxplots, dotplots, histograms, charts, time series plots and more. Graphs seamlessly update as data changes. Explore points of interest in more detail with updated brushing feature that zooms into sections of your graph.

Minitab – Better decision making. Faster performance. Easier than ever.
Minitab delivers statistical analysis, visualizations, predictive and improvement analytics to enable data-driven decision making. Regardless of statistical background, Minitab can empower an organization to predict better outcomes, design better products and improve the future through its easy-to-use software or support network of expert statisticians.

Our newest features empower users with better decision-making capabilities for both the seasoned user or new users of our software.

Faster performance to synthesize larger amounts of data with ease. Discover valuable insights in your data, faster.

Easier than ever. A new intuitive interface and Minitab’s Assistant are able to easily guide you through your data analysis. Industry-leading technical support and training are available to help you along the way.

Analyze datasets large and small with the simplified interface and new powerful features.
Manage and organize your projects with the flexibility you need – the new navigator feature allows you to group results/analysis by worksheet and sort alphabetically or run by order. New split view feature allows you to easily compare multiple analyses side by side. New statistical features for DOE (Design of Experiments), stepwise regression and normal capability enhancements to facilitate in-depth data analysis.

Perform your Minitab data analysis faster
– Algorithm enhancements mean you get results faster
– Always have the most up-to-date results with intuitive update of visualizations when dataset is refreshed
– Automate routine analysis with convenient and user-friendly access to the command line

You don’t have to be a statistics expert to get the insight you need from your data.
Minitab’s Assistant is a built-in interactive feature that guides you through your analysis and even helps you interpret and present results.

Industry-leading support and training to help make your life easier.
Gain insight into your data and improve the quality of your products and services with courses guided by expert statisticians. Check out our global public training and customized training courses.

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