
Create Instgaram-Like Android App Using Java

教程/Tutorials dsgsd 142浏览 0评论

Published 2/2023
MP4 | Video: h264, 1280×720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 13.56 GB | Duration: 22h 33m

Create Instgaram-Like Android App Using Java From Scratch

What you’ll learn
Create Instgaram-Like Mobile App Using Java
How to register and login
How to get posts feed
How to like and unlike posts
How to take photos
How to upload photos
How create API
How to create posts
How to add comments
How to add hastags

internet connection
windows or mac

This courses will teach you how to Create Instagram Android App Using Java.In this course you will learn how to Create Instagram Android App Using Java. Learning how to build an instagram android app will give you the opportunity to build a real-world, in-demand project and will open up the door of opportunity for you to become a professional developer.First, you will learn how to install Java, then you will learn how to incorporate design to your app. Then you will be taught the most important parts of this projects such as posting photos.Moreover, in this course you will learn how to follow others and like and unlike posts.Why should you take this course?There are many reasons why this course is extremely important.1. You will build a real-world web app, rather than building unrealistic project.2. I will teach you the “how-to” rather than concepts that you will end up abandoning.3. You will learn Full-Stack development and become a professional one having build a complete website.Some of What You Will Learn in This Course:1. Install project environment & create project.2. Run the project.3. Structure your project.4. Logic behind building complete Instagram app.6. How to add posts7. How to like and unlike posts8. How to follow others9. Best practices and techniques.10. Organize your project.11. Much much more…Wish you an incredible learning journey.

Section 1: Course Content

Lecture 1 Introduction

Lecture 2 2_java_jdk_2

Lecture 3 3_creating_project

Lecture 4 4_add_volly_lib

Lecture 5 5_initial_design

Lecture 6 6_actionBar&colors

Lecture 7 7_nav_drawer1

Lecture 8 8_nav_drawer2

Lecture 9 9_nav_drawer3

Lecture 10 10_nav_view_click_listener

Lecture 11 11_nav_icons

Lecture 12 12_nav_profile_image

Lecture 13 13_nav_background_color

Lecture 14 14_login_design1

Lecture 15 15_login_design2

Lecture 16 16_login_design3

Lecture 17 17_sign_up_design

Lecture 18 18_manifest_and_internet_permission

Lecture 19 19_login_logic1

Lecture 20 20_login_logic2

Lecture 21 21_login_logic3

Lecture 22 22_login_logic4

Lecture 23 23_volleyHandler

Lecture 24 24_vollyhandle_sync

Lecture 25 25_sharedPref_storeUserData

Lecture 26 26_sharedPref_isUserLoggedIn

Lecture 27 27_sharedPref_LogOut

Lecture 28 28_registeration1

Lecture 29 29_registeration2

Lecture 30 30_impelement_is_user_logged_in

Lecture 31 31_which_emulator_to_choose

Lecture 32 32_first_test

Lecture 33 33_profile_fragmennt1

Lecture 34 34_profile_fragmennt2

Lecture 35 35_profile_fragment_upper_part_1

Lecture 36 36_profile_fragment_upper_part_2

Lecture 37 37_profile_fragment_middle_part

Lecture 38 38_profile_fragment_lower_part

Lecture 39 39_fragments_selected

Lecture 40 40_adding_more_fragments

Lecture 41 41_impelement_log_out

Lecture 42 42_PHP_connect_to_database_BONUS

Lecture 43 43_PHP_login_script_BONUS

Lecture 44 44_PHP_register_script

Lecture 45 45_fixing_login&register_PHP

Lecture 46 46_fixing_fragments

Lecture 47 47_Fixing_Bunch_Of_Things

Lecture 48 48_chooseing_host_&_creating_database

Lecture 49 48_free_vs_paid_hosting(bluehost)

Lecture 50 49_adding_toolbar

Lecture 51 50_circleImageView_expilicit_library

Lecture 52 51_framelayout_as_fragment_holder

Lecture 53 52_uploading_scripts_to_host

Lecture 54 53_adding_toolbar_image

Lecture 55 54_Camera_Fragment_Desgin

Lecture 56 55_Capture_Image_ClickListener

Lecture 57 56_CapturePhoto_Method

Lecture 58 57_CapturePhoto_Method_ActivityResult

Lecture 59 58_Story_Title_Dialog

Lecture 60 59_ConvertImageToString_Method

Lecture 61 60_Upload_Story_Method

Lecture 62 61_Passing_Parameters_Upload_Story

Lecture 63 62_Upload_Story_Get_Profile_Image

Lecture 64 63_Where_to_call_getProfileImage_CameraFragemenr

Lecture 65 64_Protect_Upload_Story_Method

Lecture 66 65_camera_permissions

Lecture 67 66_Upload_Story_Image_PHP_Part1

Lecture 68 67_Upload_Story_Image_PHP_Part2

Lecture 69 68_Upload_Story_Image_PHP_FIX

Lecture 70 69_How_To_Create_Folder_Inside_Server

Lecture 71 70_Camera_Testing

Lecture 72 71_Camera_Result_Inside_Database

Lecture 73 72_Disable_Upload_Button

Lecture 74 72x_CameraFragment_choose_from_gallery

Lecture 75 73_single_feed_item_design1

Lecture 76 74_single_feed_item_desgin2

Lecture 77 75_single_feed_item_desgin3

Lecture 78 76_single_feed_item_desgin4

Lecture 79 77_single_feed_item_desgin5

Lecture 80 78_single_feed_item_desgin6

Lecture 81 79_Databases_Disscussion

Lecture 82 80_creating_all_db

Lecture 83 81_storyListAdapter_Part1

Lecture 84 82_storyListAdapter_Part2

Lecture 85 83_sharedPref_Adding_Image_If_Important

Lecture 86 84_default_image1

Lecture 87 85_default_image2

Lecture 88 86_getting_following_ids

Lecture 89 87_latest_news_feed_request_part1

Lecture 90 88_latest_news_feed_request_part2

Lecture 91 89_latest_news_feed_request_part3

Lecture 92 90_latest_news_feed_request_part4

Lecture 93 91_latest_news_feed_request_part5

Lecture 94 92_lastest_news_feed_script_PHP

Lecture 95 93_adding_dummy_data_to_test_home_news_feed

Lecture 96 94_picasso_lib_and_testing_story_image

Lecture 97 95_comments_activity_design

Lecture 98 96_comment_model_and_commentListAdapter

Lecture 99 97_single_comment_design

Lecture 100 98_getAllComments_for_specific_story_part1

Lecture 101 99_testing_if_comment_activity_got_story_id_through_intent

Lecture 102 100_getAllComments_for_specific_story_part2

Lecture 103 101_send_comment_to_db

Lecture 104 102_get_all_comments_PHP

Lecture 105 103_send_comment_script_PHP

Lecture 106 104_send_comment_sqli_last_insert

Lecture 107 105_CommentActivity_Post_Convert_int_to_String

Lecture 108 106_CommentsActivity_TEST

Lecture 109 106x_Update_Share_pref_data

Lecture 110 107_profile_activity_part1

Lecture 111 108_following_button_part1

Lecture 112 109_following_button_part2

Lecture 113 110_check_following_state_PHP

Lecture 114 111_renaming_user_ids_parameters

Lecture 115 112_following_this_person_PHP

Lecture 116 113_unfollow_this_person_PHP

Lecture 117 114_increase_decrease_number_of_following_followers_PHP

Lecture 118 115_set_other_user_data_to_resources

Lecture 119 116_search_activity_design_part1

Lecture 120 117_search_activity_design_part2

Lecture 121 118_search_list_adapter_and_user_single_item

Lecture 122 119_onTextChanged_search_similar_users

Lecture 123 120_search_item_onClickListener

Lecture 124 121_similar_users_LIKE_PHP

Lecture 125 122_send_intent_data_to_profileActivity_and_testing

Lecture 126 123_get_all_gridView_images_part1

Lecture 127 124_get_all_gridView_images_part2

Lecture 128 125_get_all_gridView_images_part3

Lecture 129 126_current_user_profile_part1

Lecture 130 127_current_user_profile_part2

Lecture 131 128_get_all_gridView_images_part4_TESTING

Lecture 132 129_ProfileFragment_ProfileActivity_Image_Model_FIX_And_TEST

Lecture 133 129x_Prevent_Searching_For_Us

Lecture 134 130_single_story_checkout_part_1

Lecture 135 131_single_story_checkout_part2

Lecture 136 132_single_story_checkout_part_3

Lecture 137 133_single_story_checkout_part_4

Lecture 138 134_single_story_checkout_TEST

Lecture 139 135_settings_activity_design_part1

Lecture 140 136_settings_activity_design_part2

Lecture 141 137_Change_Profile_Image_Part1

Lecture 142 138_Change_Profile_Image_Part2

Lecture 143 139_Change_Profile_Image_Part3_PHP

Lecture 144 140_Change_Profile_Image_Part4_FIX

Lecture 145 141_Change_Profile_Image_Part5_user_id_TOSTRING

Lecture 146 142_Change_Profile_Image_Part6_user_id_TEST

Lecture 147 143_Change_Email_Part1

Lecture 148 144_Change_Email_Part2_PHP

Lecture 149 145_Change_Email_Part3_TEST

Lecture 150 146_LogOut_Are_You_Sure_Dialog

Lecture 151 147_Settings_Activity_Menu_Selected

Lecture 152 148_NavigationView_set_data_to_resource

Lecture 153 149_passing_profile_image_to_settings_activity

Lecture 154 150_Did_User_Like_This_Story_Part1

Lecture 155 151_whiteHeart_OnClickListener_Increase_Likes

Lecture 156 152_redHeart_OnClickListener_Decrease_Likes

Lecture 157 153_Did_User_Like_PHP

Lecture 158 154_increase_decrease_likes_PHP

Lecture 159 155_add_remove_user_from_likes_db_PHP

Lecture 160 156_Likes_Story_TEST

Lecture 161 157_Likes_List_Adapter_Part1

Lecture 162 158_Likes_List_Adapter_Part2

Lecture 163 159_Likes_Single_Item+getAllStoryIds

Lecture 164 160_LikesFragment_getAllStories

Lecture 165 161_LikesArrayAdapter_filling_data

Lecture 166 162_getAllStoryids_from_likes_db_PHP

Lecture 167 163_allStoriesWeLiked_PHP

Lecture 168 164_LikesFragment_TEST

Lecture 169 165_LikesFragment_OnItemClickListener

Lecture 170 166_Packageing_Adding

Lecture 171 167_protection_null_pointer

Lecture 172 168_Change_App_Name_Icon

Lecture 173 169_final_test

Lecture 174 170_Build_signed_apk

Lecture 175 171_congrats

Lecture 176 172_Limiting_Data_Received_Pagination_BONUS

Lecture 177 173_SwipeRefreshLayout_And_Limit_Offset_BONUS

Lecture 178 174_Test_SwipeRefresh_BONUS

Section 2: Project files

Lecture 179 Project files

Lecture 180 API

Android developers,programmers



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