
XML ValidatorBuddy 8.2.0

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使使用XML的工作变得前所未有的快速和便捷。XML ValidatorBuddy是您的XML和JSON编辑器,用于编辑,验证,转换和管理甚至大量的XML文档。独特的File Explorer具有与XML相关的增强功能,使每个人都可以方便,高效地使用XML。XML ValidatorBuddy还支持成千上万个XML文件的批量验证。XML ValidatorBuddy支持以下XML技术:W3C模式,DTD,RelaxNG,Schematron,XSL,XML目录,XML数字签名。

File size: 23.8 MB

XML Validator Buddy Desktop is your easy to use set of XML tools to edit, validate, transform and manage even a large number of XML and JSON data. The grid and text editor windows offer syntax-coloring and various entry-helpers to create and modify any XML or JSON content quickly.

Assign XML and JSON schemas to your data to run the built-in validator with a single click. Use the XML or JSON validator in batch mode to check any number of documents and get a comprehensive error report. XML ValidatorBuddy supports XSD, DTD and Schematron rules with the easy to use XML validator. Transform XML or JSON to HTML directly in the editor or apply XSL transformations to multiple files at once on your disk. The unique Explorer window with XML related enhancements enables everyone to work with XML and JSON technologies in a convenient and efficient way.

XML validator software for W3C, DTD, Schematron, RelaxNG and JSON Schema
Know instantly which XSD or DTD is assigned to your XML data.
Complete XML and JSON editor with grid and text editor windows.
Check your XML and run XSL transformations for one or multiple documents with just a few clicks.
Find all XML documents with no XSD or DTD reference without the need to open them manually.
Run any XSL transformation as custom user tool with a single click.
JSON/XML conversions – JSON syntax checking
Sign and verify XML documents with digital signatures.


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