
BarTender Enterprise 2022 R5 v11.3.197999 x64 Multilingual

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全球首屈一指非常知名的条码标签设计打印软件,初学者很快就能上手使用,可进行复杂的标签设计和条形码设计,它甚至支持RFID标记,支持导入图形图像并能生成多种复杂的序列号。而且,BarTender 使用简便,初学者在短短几分钟内即可上手。

在150 多个国家/地区拥有成千上百的用户,在标签、条形码、证卡和 RFID 标记的设计和打印领域是全球首屈一指的软件。BarTender 既可以单独运行,也可以与任何其他程序集成,几乎是所有按需打印或打标应用的完美解决方案,包括:标签、打印贴标、直接部件和包装打标、智能证卡编码、标牌制作等等。强大的配套应用程序甚至可以管理系统安全性、网络打印功能、文档发布、打印作业记录等。为满足不同的需要和预算,BarTender 提供四个版本,每个都拥有卓越的功能和特性。

File Size: 955.6 MB

For businesses that operate in regulated industries, span multiple locations or need centralized control of their label design and printing operations, BarTender Enterprise Edition provides comprehensive enterprise-wide printing with centralized management, workflow orchestration and revision control, auditing, web and mobile printing, always-on high-availability and added security.

Secure anywhere, anytime internet printing
Secure printing from any operating system or device
Browser-based printing with no local client or app installed on the remote user’s system — the user never accesses your network
Online approvals enable full and immediate printing control
Comprehensive security with TSL/encryption and role-based access
Driverless printing — no printer drivers required on server
Print to PDF support
Print Portal REST API to automate tasks and integrate with other applications

Faster label design, approval and publishing
Drag and drop visual Workflow Designer
Increase label document QA and team accountability
Track the status of label files from start to finish
Configurable email notifications for each document state, approval, and transition

Centralized document storage and management
Librarian document management system provides a secure central repository of label templates and documents
File check-in and check-out processes prevent users from overwriting each other’s changes
Revision control and audit trail to track and manage the entire organization’s label templates
Access control to allow or limit access to templates and documents
Phrase Library for building multi-lingual text database with Auto-Translate and TMX file support

Comprehensive security and auditable processes
Secure document access with role-based security and user permissions
Require an electronic signature (or user login credentials) before users can perform actions
Fully encrypt templates to stop unauthorized access, sharing or distribution
Printing access control
Log and detect unauthorized document or application access attempts

Enhanced reliability for mission-critical environments
Improved disaster recovery and backup options
Enhanced failover license support
Resilient licensing for fault tolerance

Manage traceability and serialization to meet industry regulations
Capture electronic signatures, data logs and complete audit trail
Support industry regulations including 21 CFR Part 11, UDI, MDR, FMD and FSMA
Coordinate serialization at printers across your network





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