
AFT Fathom 13.0.1111

Windows dsgsd 82浏览 0评论

AFT Fathom 是一款真实流体的动态模拟分析软件,可计算不可压缩流体和低速气体管网的压降和流量分配。可真实模拟分析各种不可压缩流体,包括水、汽油和精炼油品、化工产品、冷冻剂、制冷剂等等,是帮你设计高效和可靠的管网系统必不可少的工具。其广泛应用于化工、石化、电力、造船、航空、制药等行业的各类系统中。

File size: 202 MB

AFT Fathom is fluid dynamic simulation software for engineers, used to calculate pressure drop and pipe flow distribution in liquid and low-velocity gas piping and ducting systems.

– Advanced hydraulic solver
– Detailed modeling for centrifugal and positive displacement pumps
– Scenario Manager to track all design variants and operational possibilities in a single model file
– Pump vs. system curve generation including individual head curves and composite efficiency
– Thermal analysis including piping heat transfer and heat exchanger modeling
– Supports Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, including non-settling slurries
– Optional ChempakTM add-on utility provides a thermophysical database of almost 700 fluids

AFT Fathom add-on modules
– Settling Slurry (SSL) – models the effects of pumping fluids containing settling solids using the Wilson/GIW method
– Extended Time Simulation (XTS) – models dynamic system behavior
– Goal Seek and Control (GSC) – identifies input parameters that yield desired output values and simulates control functions
– Automated Sizing (APS and ANS) – automate the process of sizing pipelines and piping networks based on required conditions, such as maximum pressure or minimum flow, to reduce cost or weight



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