
Wolfram Research WOLFRAM 14.2 Multilingual MacOS

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Wolfram 系统是一个模块化的软件系统,其执行运算的内核与处理用户交互的前端是互相分离的.
这样的设计比整体结构有许多优势. 例如,Wolfram 系统前端可运行在具有增强图形处理能力的本地计算机上,而 Wolfram 语言内核可运行在更快地远程计算机上. 或运行多个内核只需一个前端.
最常见的 Wolfram 系统工作方式是使用交互式文档称为笔记本. 笔记本把具有文字、图形、面板和其它资料的输入和输出放在一起. 用户使用笔记本既可进行运算,也可作为表达或发布自己的结果的工具.
其它常见的 Wolfram 系统界面包括基于文本的界面和 Wolfram Symbolic Transfer Protocol (WSTP) 接口.
Wolfram 系统的一个重要特点是它不仅能与人交互,还能和其它程序交互. 这个功能是通过 WSTP 来实现的. 它是外部程序和 Wolfram 语言内核之间的标准双向通讯协议.
在众多可用的 WSTP 兼容的程序中,一些被用来作为 Wolfram 系统的前端. 这些前端常常提供自己特有的用户界面,并把 Wolfram 语言内核纯粹作为嵌入的计算引擎.

Languages: Multilingual | File Size: 7.8 GB

Starting with Version 14.1, Wolfram|One, Mathematica, Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition, and Finance Platform are all accessed through the new unified product, Wolfram. The Wolfram application was created to ensure a simplified installer for all supported products.

Wolfram Mathematica
For three decades, Mathematica has defined the state of the art in technical computing—and provided the principal computation environment for millions of innovators, educators, students, and others around the world. Widely admired for both its technical prowess and elegant ease of use, Mathematica provides a single integrated, continually expanding system that covers the breadth and depth of technical computing—and seamlessly available in the cloud through any web browser, as well as natively on all modern desktop systems.

Wolfram Finance Platform
Algorithmic agility has come center stage in finance. Yet finance tools are often outmoded—failing to use modern, smart computation from other fields. Wolfram Finance Platform injects ultimate computation into finance workflows—increasing your competitiveness in areas as diverse as option pricing, risk analysis, enterprise system development and interactive reporting.

Wolfram|One is the world’s first fully cloud-desktop hybrid, integrated computation platform—the ideal entry point to using the full capabilities of the Wolfram technology stack. From data analytics to modeling (with our curated data or yours), from publishing an API to live presenting your latest R&D, from instant scratchpad to rapidly programming your prototype, Wolfram|One is the culmination of over three decades of experience in one easy-to-use, get-started-now product from the world’s leading computation company.

Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition
Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition combines the best of both Wolfram|Alpha and Mathematica into a single, unified tool perfect for teaching and learning. Use free-form input to get instant answers to questions, create and customize graphs, and turn static examples into dynamic models. Everything is saved as an interactive Wolfram Notebook, so you can add notes and use notebooks as class or reference materials, or present them as dynamic slide shows that engage your audience as you edit examples on the fly.





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