The software developer Cadence Design Systems, Inc. is pleased to announce the availability of SPECTRE 24.10 (078) is an advanced circuit simulator that simulates analog and digital circuits at the differential equation level.
CCRs fixed in SPECTRE 24.1 Base Release
2949486 SPECTRE Spectre X: GPU-based simulation is slower than CPU-based simulation
2960660 SPECTRE ERROR (USIMUWI-20005): The simulator failed to open stream for the ‘psf’ format
3007038 SPECTRE The single point simulation in Spectre runs fine but Monte Carlo fails to converge
3011847 SPECTRE SIGTERM error during Monte Carlo analysis
1800850 SPECTRERF Spectre RF: Enhance PNOISE analysis to report average noises for sampled time points
1839820 SPECTRERF Variance in the PNoise Jitter simulation-over-time event
2983807 SPECTRERF WARNING (SPECTRERF-15511): Tstabenvlp is not supported for sweep analysis
2998211 SPECTRERF hb sweep simulation idling at different sweep points
As the industry’s leading solution for accurate analog simulation, the Cadence Spectre Simulation Platform contains multiple solvers to allow a designer to move easily and seamlessly between circuit-, block-, and system-level simulation tasks. The foundation of the platform is a unified set of technologies shared by all of the SPICE engines—the parser, device models, Verilog-A behavioral modeling, input data formats, output data formats, etc.—thereby guaranteeing consistent and accurate evaluation methods regardless of the simulator selected.
The simulator uses improved algorithms that offer increased simulation speed and greatly improved convergence characteristics over SPICE. Besides the basic capabilities, the Spectre circuit simulator provides significant additional capabilities over SPICE. Verilog-A uses functional description text files (modules) to model the behavior of electrical circuits and other systems. Spectre RF Simulation option adds several new analyses that support the efficient calculation of the operating point, transfer function, noise, and distortion of common RF and communication circuits, such as mixers, oscillators, sample holds, and switched-capacitor filters.
Cadence technology platforms, including Xcelium Logic Simulation, Liberate Trio Characterization Suite, Legato Reliability Solution, Virtuoso ADE Product Suite, Voltus-Fi Custom Power Integrity Solution, and the Virtuoso RF Solution, to provide the industry’s most comprehensive cross-domain simulation solutionThe Spectre Simulation Platform delivers an indus-try-leading set of technologies for a comprehensive design and verification solution that provides SPICE, radio frequency (RF), FastSPICE, and mixed-signal simulators in a unique shared licensing package. This unified solution delivers scalable performance and capacity, thus providing robust verification of analog, RF, memory, custom digital, and mixed-signal silicon realization.
This video demonstrates a new feature in AWR Design Environment V13 that provides the ability to co-simulate with Cadence Spectre designs.
Cadence is a pivotal leader in electronic design and computational expertise, using its Intelligent System Design strategy to turn design concepts into reality. Cadence customers are the world’s most creative and innovative companies, delivering extraordinary electronic products from chips to boards to systems for the most dynamic market applications.
Owner: Cadence
Product Name: SPECTRE
Version: 24.10 (078) Base Release
Supported Architectures: x86_64
Website Home Page : http://www.cadence.com
Languages Supported: english
System Requirements: Linux **
Size: 4.9 Gb
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