Baby Audio的插件设计总是别具一格,他们最新发布了一款创意多功能混响插件 Spaced Out, 可生成平滑的具有创造性的混响、回声和延迟效果,该插件配有丰富的调节项、独特的排序方式和大量的内部自动化处理。
Space Out 是一款隐藏着野心的插件,为人们带来了一种具有现代感的复古型”空间回声”效果。该插件的界面布局分为三个部分。左侧Echoes (回声)部分的核心是一个16步进音序器,可对所生成的4种模式的回声/延迟效果进行排序,通过”持续”和”反馈”控件调整音序行为,此外还包括维度(关闭/超宽/移动)、质感(干净/古怪/磁带/lo-fi/朦胧)、反向(反向延迟反馈)和滤波器(经模拟建模的 高/低通滤波器),令人印象深刻的功能组合起来可产生近乎无限的效果。
右侧部分用于进一步处理,配有一个圆形的 X-Y Pad,用于在混响长度和调制参数之间做变形处理。可用的空间类型包括4种(无、小空间、中等空间和外太空),控制项包括Pre-Delay(预延迟)、Stardus(在混响尾部添加一层光泽)、Mellow(双阻尼滤波器)、Clean-Up(通过馈送改变的干信号来减小混响的分量和密度)和 Width(从宽广的立体声到单声道)。
中间部分用于效果混合,它也配有一个用于控制干/湿比例的 X-Y Pad。Generate(生成)按钮可随机化插件参数。Lift-off 控制增加了压缩、M/S 处理和 EQ 的预设组合。Ducker/Sync 按钮可在干信号播放时自动躲避湿信号,也可同步工程文件速度得到快速的抽吸效果。此外,该插件的界面还配有黑/白两种主题供用户选择,并且可以调整大小。
File size: 28.6 MB
Soak Your Sound In Magic. Add lush and modern FX textures to your vocals, instruments and beyond. Spaced Out unites delay, reverb and modulation into one plugin – hosting more than 50 individual effects under the hood. Intuitive and fast workflow that enables you to instantly create dreamy and otherworldly FX chains.
16-step delay sequencer sync’ed to your DAW’s tempo
Delay modes: Straight, 2x, Dotted, Triplet
Intensity: Sets the sequencer’s behaviour through sustain and feedback controls
Dimension: Off, Ultra-Wide and Motion modes
Texture buttons: Clean, Wonky Tape, Lofi and Hazy
Reverse: Reverses the delay playback
Filter: Analog-modeled low and high pass filters
X-Y based joystick control for intuitively morphing between reverb length and modulation behavior
Programs: Vacuum, Small Space, Medium Space, Outer Space
Pre-Delay: 0-250 milliseconds
Stardust: Adds an angelic, sustained shimmer to the reverb tail
Mellow: Dual low and high end dampening filter
Clean-Up: Feeds a trimmed dry signal into the reverb algorithm, for a less dense response
Width: Sets the reverb width between wide and mono
Central Mixer
X-Y joystick control for seamlessly morphing between the Echoes/Space and Wet/Dry signals
Generate: Musically tuned randomizer for instantly generating new effect configurations
Lift-Off: Glues the wet signals together through a combination of compression, mid-side processing and EQ
Ducker: Ducks the wet signal when the dry signal is playing – for a cleaner mix
Ducker Sync: Syncs the ducker to your DAW’s BPM for a pumping ‘four-on-the-floor’ effect
Output: Controls the global effect output
Display Options
Switch between black and white background colors. Fully resizable plugin window.
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