
Net Transport 2.96k Build 720 x86 Multilingual

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网络传送带 (影音传送带 / Net Transport / NetTransport) 是中国第一个实现 MMS、RTSP、PNM、HTTP、HTTPS、FTP、FTPS、SFTP和BT、电驴的下载利器。它协议支持之多,至今在国际上依然罕见。流下载是它的主要特点,同时下载普通文件及点对点的速度也堪称一流,站点管理近乎完美。目前支持的协议有:

  • FTP / SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) / SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol)
  • MMS (Microsoft Media Services)
  • RTSP (Real-Time Streaming Protocol)
  • BitTorrent
  • eMule
  • RTMP / RTMPE / RTMPT (Real Time Messaging Protocol)
  • 内建超强的嗅探器


  1. 超强的嗅探器能准确地识别出真实的视频链接并提供下载。
  2. 强大灵活的计划管理器,能让您定时录制节目,或避开下载高峰。还能录制那些根据日期时间动态改变的URL;甚至能自定义目标文件名。这是传送带的强项。
  3. 内建方便的嗅探器,能方便的捕获流媒体、Flash等的真实链接地址。
  4. 内建简易的但功能不弱的文件管理器,帮助用户更好地分类和轻松地组织下载文件。
  5. 简单的多用户管理,不同的用户不同的任务数据。依据的是Windows的登录名。
  6. 内建的站点探测器能轻而易举地浏览FTP站点的目录结构,可以有选择的大批下载文件。FTP是软件的强项。
  7. 完美的FTP重用机制,只要单一连接就能下载来自同一个站点的文件。
  8. 支持代理服务器。在多代理类型的任务中,用户可以自由地为每个线程设置一个代理,彻底打破某些站点只允许一个IP一个连接的限制。
  9. 速度限制允许用户边下载边浏览。
  10. 监视浏览器点击。用户可以使用数种方式添加任务,诸如通过IE扩展菜单、将URL拖入下载窗口等等。
  11. 自动关机和自动挂断MODEM。
  12. 多语言支持,并可随时切换。只要将语言文件翻译成母语就可以实现本地化。
  13. 支持所有流式协议的多线程下载,有效地缩短下载时间。
  14. 能自动地分析流脚本如.asx、.smi,并获取真实的URL。
  15. 版本2以后能录制影音片断。
  16. 支持写盘缓冲,延长磁盘寿命。
  17. 除电驴外其它协议都支持IPv6,传送带已经为将来做好了准备。

支持的操作系统:Win2000 / WinXP / Win2003 / Vista / Win2008 / Win7 / Win2008R2 / Win8 / Win2012

Net Transport 2.96k Build 720 x86 Multilingual | 5.5 MB

Net Transport is not your usual download manager. It gains a major plus through the wide array of Internet Protocols it supports. This makes it possible to download files from Internet Servers at amazing speed.

“Net Transport” (also called NetTransport or NetXfer) is a faster, exciting and the most powerful downloading manager that you ever saw, now supports the most pop Internet protocols, including:
FTP / over SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) / over SSH (Secure Shell)
MMS (Microsoft Media Services)
RTSP (Real-Time Streaming Protocol)
RTMP / RTMPE / RTMPT (Real Time Messaging Protocol)
Inbuilt powerful URL-Sniffer

Other Features
The inbuilt powerful “URL-Sniffer” can capture the real video links.
The flexible “Scheduler Manager” is also most powerful item in NetXfer. Even you can record the dynamic URL according to time and save it as your desire filename.
You can use the inbuilt “URL Sniffer” to catch the real URLs for streaming, Flash, etc.
You can use the simple but powerful “File Manager” to categorize and manage downloaded files more efficiently.
Simple multi-user management. You can maintain several databases by logging on Windows with different username.
You can use the inbuilt “Site Explorer” to list the directory structure of the remote server, and easily select the desired files. FTP is the most powerful item in NetXfer.
FTP reuse mechanism allows you to use one connection to get different files from the same site.
The “Multiple Proxies mode” allows you to assign every working thread a different proxy to break certain site restrictions, like only one connection per IP.
You can adjust the bandwidth usage of Net Transport to ensure surf at the same time.
Monitor browser click. And you can add links through Internet Explorer extended context menu, or drag links to the “drop zone” window, etc.
Net Transport can automatically shutdown the system or hang up the modem once all downloads are completed.
Multilingual support for the user interface. We will be glad if you help us localize NetXfer.
You can use multi-threads for all streaming protocols to significantly reduce the time of downloads.
Automatically parse streaming script such as .asx, .smi to acquire real URLs.
From version 2 on, you can record the clip with range.
The disk cache buffer can prolong your hard disk life.
Except eMule, other protocols all support IPv6. Net Transport is ready for IPv6 epoch.

OS : Windows XP/2000/2003/Vista/2008/Win7/2008R2/Win8/Win2012
Language : Multilingual 

Home Page – http://www.net-xfer.com/

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